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Great Grey Shrike (Stor Tornskade)

søndag 18. oktober 2020
af Chris Ketola

The weather forecast was not looking good for today’s ringing session. Thankfully, the wind was not too bad, and our team was able to open the nets for a full morning of ringing. Although the number of birds caught was not that high, today was all about quality over quantity!


Word spread that a Great Grey Shrike (Stor Tornskade) had been seen around our nets, and we actually did see this individual duck into vegetation from our ringing table. Sure enough, on our next net check there it was waiting to be extracted!


With its sharp bill and perfect aim it did manage to inflict a little bit of pain during the net extraction and while being ringed, but the pain was more than worth it to be able to see this stunning first year bird up close!

Last night also had some excitement, during a night catching session our team caught a female Common Eider (Ederfugl).


This female was quite cooperative while being ringed. Waders and waterfowl require special steel rings because of the amount of time they spend in the water. This process takes a little longer than when we attach aluminum rings to the typical passerine species we catch in mist nets. Thankfully, this female decided to wait until AFTER we were done ringing her to give us a nice big “surprise” on the table…

COEI Processing

In other news, Martin had another productive day of migration counting with Knud and a good friend of his. The biggest highlights were seeing 6 Little Auks (Søkonge) and 1,000 Razorbills (Alk). It made sitting in the freezing windchill for 4 hours worth it!

Finally Simon and Amelie left after morning ringing to go to Blåvand station. There they will participate in training sessions on how to attach GPS backpacks to Blackbirds (Solsort) for an exciting research project Skagen Fugelstation will be involved with. They will return to Skagen in a few days and share this information with the whole team so we can start participating in this project very soon.

Bjergirisk – Twite


Blåmejse – Blue Tit


Bogfinke – Chaffinch


Dompap – Bullfinch


Fuglekonge – Goldcrest


Gærdesmutte – Wren


Lille Gråsisken – Lesser redpoll


Kvækerfinke – Brambling


Munk – Blackcap


Musvit – Great tit


Rørspurv – Reed bunting


Solsort – Blackbird


Sortmejse – Coal tit


Stillits – Goldfinch


Stor Tornskade – Great grey shrike


Vindrossel – Redwing


Total: 43

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People: Aurora Gonzalo-Tarodo, Chris Ketola, Martin Grienenberger, Knud Pederson, Amelie Zeller, Esben E. Hansen, Simon S. Christiansen, Christina Stinn, Erik Christophersen, Jørgen Kabel + Igor, Jørgen + Karin