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Dobbelt ringmærkning

lørdag 15. august 2020
af Pernille Roed og Viktoria Mader

Today Amandine and Amelie get up early to open the mist nets at Jennes Sø for the CES, while Esben and Lisa did the same at Grenen. The Spotted flycatcher (Grå Fluesnapper) was Lisa’s highlight of the ringing, while Esben summarized the ringing at Kabeltromlen as “a lot of uncommon common birds”, such as a Fieldfare (Sjagger) and a Sedge Warbler (Sivsanger).  

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At the CES we - and especially Pernille - were happy to catch a Great Spotted Woodpecker (Stor Flagspætte).


Amandine rescued a fish.

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In the afternoon Esben entered the ringing data of both ringing locations of the day – with the help of Lisa and Viktoria.

Martin counted migratory birds with Knud and Jan at the end of the world 3 in the early morning. Later on, Martin joined the CES ringing at Jennes Sø, and ringed his first (wild) birds!

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Jan’s highlight of the day was a Red-footed falcon (Aftenfalk) around the lighthouse! There were also Two-barred Crossbills (Hvidvinget Korsnæb) observed at Skagen today, but we were not lucky to observe them during the ringing. Amandine left the CES a bit earlier to help Henning with the guided tour, and Lisa worked on her master’s project on Sandwich terns (Splitterne) in the afternoon.

Martin also processed the audiomoth data and updated these at Trektellen.

The day ended with a delicious dinner prepared by Jan and Kristine – the “Internet-Famous Chickpea Stew”.

Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen + Jennes Sø):

Broget Fluesnapper (Pied Flycatcher) 2
Fuglekonge (Goldcrest) 1
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) 2
Grå Fluesnapper (Spotted Flycatcher) 1
Gransanger (Chiffchaff) 3
Gråsisken, Lille (Lesser Redpoll) 3
Gulspurv (Yellowhammer) 2
Havesanger (Garden Warbler) 1
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) 14
Munk (Blackcap) 3
Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) 2
Rørspurv (Reed Bunting) 1
Sivsanger (Segde Warbler) 1
Sjagger (Fieldfare) 1
Skovpiber (Tree Pipit) 1
Skovspurv (Tree Sparrow) 4
Stor Flagspætte (Great Spotted Woodpecker) 1
Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat) 8

Total: 51

People: Martin Grienenberger, Simon S. Christiansen, Amelie Zeller, Amandine Doré, Knud Pedersen, Jan Speiermann, Jan and Kristine Hjort, Pernille Roed, Henning Hvid Ettrup, Olof Lou, Esben E. Hansen, Lisa Vergin, Viktoria Mader

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