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Buntings everywhere

mandag 17. oktober 2022
af Diana Sciandra

Hello everyone!

Today all of us were happy, despite of the rainy afternoon.

This morning Aksel and Louis went observing with Knud and they spotted a lot of interesting species: a Great Northern Diver (Islom), a Short-eared Owl (Mosehornugle), many Pink-footed geese (Kortnæbbet gås, we saw them also from Kabeltromen) and, a really beautiful species, a Lapland Bunting (Lapværling). I really love buntings and I saw this species just one time, in Italy, where they are not common at all, but it was really a quick sighting, because it just passed flying fast and called a couple of times. I hope I will see one of them also here in Denmark one of the next days. Despite not having spotted that species yet I am very happy today, because I already had a good ration of buntings; Yellowhammer (Gulspurv) and Reed Buntings (Rørspurv) seen in hand, at the ringing, are always enough to made a day perfect. I would really try to catch some Snow Buntings at the beach (Snespurv), which were spotted also today; they will stay here all the winter but we need to be constant in trying to catch them.

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The Yellowhammer (Gulspurv) is a really beautiful bird.

Me, Prescillia and Solenn this morning went ringing with the guidance of Michael: today and it was really a good day, we caught 40 birds but many different species. The highlight of the day, as well as the buntings, was a beautiful Siberian chiffchaff (Sibirisk Gransanger, in the picture below).

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After lunch, we had a “Opening Freezer Event”, where mainly Aksel and Louis showed to the (many!) people some dead birds we have in the freezer, and they explained the many possible reasons for their death and how a dead animal can be useful for scientific research. During the afternoon most of us worked at home for the station (checking sheets, cleaning, uploading pictures in the Picture Archive etc…) and Solenn went to the shop with Michael. 

After dinner Solenn read the blog Aksel wrote yesterday and I decided to play some games (Klask, Shuffle Ball) with Aksel: I will just say that he was not very happy at the end of the night. Here there is a picture of him and Louis playing Klask. 

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Ringing (Kabeltromlen):

Sibirisk Gransanger: 1

Fuglekonge: 1

Gærdesmutte: 8


Rødhals: 4

Dompap: 3

Gulspurv: 1

Rørspurv: 5

Blåmejse: 2

Munk: 6

Musvit: 1

Vindrossel: 1

Sangdrossel: 2

Solsort: 1

Total: 40

Dagens observationer kan ses her

Folk på stationen: Aksel Munkholm, Louis Kristoffer Poulsen, Diana Sciandra, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Michael Fink, Knud Pedersen, Ingo Ludwichowski og Wiebke Bahruth and our guest Britta. 

Regn, sol, regn, sol, regn…

søndag 16. oktober 2022

Det omskiftelige vejr har præget de sidste par dage, hvor det føles som om, at man aldrig kan stole på en blå himmel, for lige pludselig rammer den næste regnbyge. Sådan var det også i dag.

Lige bortset fra en lille byge ved solopgang lod det omskiftelige vejr dog vente lidt på sig. Nettene blev derfor åbnet af Prescillia, Diana og Micheal, som senere fik tilslutning af Ingo og Wiebke. En halvstillestille dag uden det store antal fugle blev dog redet i sidste runde. En skægmejse han sad i nette. Endelig! Den har vi gerne vil fange længe. Louis og jeg skyndte os hen til kabeltromlen for at se fuglen med et skæg der kan gøre de fleste mænd misundelige.


På mogenobsen kunne det specielt mærkes at efterårsferien er startet, hvilket medførte et hav af mennesker på stranden. Det satte derfor begrænsninger for antallet af rastende fugle på stranden. Trods dette nåede vores efterhånden faste gæst, storkjoven dog at vise sig på stranden sammen med mågerne. Den er altid nem at spotte pga. dens lidt tykke og kluntet udseende, som får selv sølvmågerne til at se majestætisk ud. Derudover fik de også set sodfarvet skråpe, som fouragerede nogle minutter blandt sulerne, en mallemuk samt de første trækkende svaner (sang og knop).


Storkjove på stranden 

Imens de andre klarede de faste opgaver med morgenobs og ringmærkning, havde jeg taget formidlingshatten på, og stod jeg for en guidet tur i området. Jeg fik fortalt en masse omkring landskabsudviklingen på Skagen odde, vores arbejde på fuglestationen samt fremvist ringmærkningen. En rigtig god tur, hvis jeg selv skal sige det, som dog blev forstyrret lidt til sidst af både regn og tiltagende vind.

Eftermiddagen var præget af det meget omskiftelige vejr som ikke just var tillokkende at bevæge sig ud i, og vi fik derfor klaret nogle indendørs opgaver. Vejret klarede dog op (troede vi) og Diana, Louis og jeg tog derfor ud for at se den sibiriske bynkefugl. Trods flot eftermiddagssol kom regnen alligevel og fuglen var ikke at finde. Vi vendte derfor våde tilbage til stationen uden syn af sibirisk bynkefugl ?

Aftenen var dog anderledes succesfuld for mit vedkommende og endte i en lang sejrsrus. Først vandt Liverpool 1-0 over Manchester City (endelig!) og efter aftensmaden måtte Diana, Solenn og Prescillia sidde måbende tilbage da jeg var storspillende i Wingspan.

Dagens observationer kan ses her

Ringmærkede fugle i dag: 

Gransanger: 1 
Fuglekonge: 2
Stor gråsisken: 2 
Gærdesmutte: 1 
Rødhals: 1 
Skægmejse: 1 
Blåmejse: 17
Munk: 1
Dompap: 5 
Rørspurv: 1 
Bogfinke: 2 
Gulspurv: 1 

Folk på stationen: Aksel Y. Munkholm, Louis Kristoffer Poulsen, Diana Sciandra, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Michael Fink, Knud Pedersen, Ingo Ludwichowski og Wiebke Bahruth

Happy ringing day

lørdag 15. oktober 2022
af Solenn Boucher

Good evening everyone,

This morning’s ringing session was busy enough to keep the nets opened until 2pm : 103 birds were caught, including this autumn’s 2nd Siberian chiffchaff Sibirisk Gransanger, the 2nd water rail Vandriske, and first two greenfinches Grønirisk ! A very good first morning with Michael Jørgen who only arrived last night.

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We were quite happy with the species diversity : 22 species, the most common being the bullfinches Dompap ; but also some autumn species like coal tit Sortmejse, chaffinch Bogfinke, and the thrushes that invaded our nets in the first hour after a short episode of rain : black bird Solsort, redwings Vindrossel, and songthrushes Sangdrossel. Although the morning was quite hectic, we took the time to make Louis ring his very first bird, a blackcap Munk !

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Meanwhile the morning for Diana and Prescillia, observing at world ende 3, was way more quiet ; although no snowbuntings Snespurv decided to wander around them, they were still pleased to see 4 horned larks Bjerglærke, 3 great skuas Storkjove and a group of 11 kittiwakes Ride resting together at the tip of Denmark.

After cleaning the flat, Diana and Louis went out to try and find the Siberian stonechat Sibirisk Bynkefugl and the yellow-browed warbler that were seen in the area during the morning ; after meeting Erik Christophersen, Louis managed to take a picture of the Siberian stonechat perched on a branch :

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He also managed to “catch” the following individual, which I will let you identify on your own. Hint : We would have loved to see whether it was ringed…

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We then enjoyed a lovely meal prepared by our guest Kirsten who will depart tomorrow… Hopefully after some ringing !

People at the station : Aksel Y. Munkholm, Louis Kristoffer Poulsen, Diana Sciandra, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Michael Fink, our guest Kirsten Bregn, and the visitors Ingo Ludwichowski, Wiebke Bahruth and Jana Rasche

Today’s observations in the area on DOFBasen


Ringing (Kabeltromlen) :

Gærdesmutte : 5

Fuglekonge : 5

Gransanger : 3

Sibirisk Gransanger : 1

Rødhals : 11

Jernspurv : 3

Gråsisken : 1

Sortmejse : 1

Dompap : 16

Munk : 9

Rørspurv : 10

Bogfinke : 1

Blåmejse : 3

Musvit : 7

Gulspurv : 3

Grønirisk : 2

Vindrossel : 3

Sangdrossel : 4

Solsort : 1

Vandriske : 1


En stille dag, med gode oplevelser

fredag 14. oktober 2022
af Louis Kristoffer Poulsen

Hej allesammen

Alt i alt en ret stille dag på stationen, der startede med morgenobs for Aksel og jeg hvor Dianna også sluttede sig til senere, vejret var fint til at være ude i med sol og svag vind, men måske ikke det bedste hvis man skal se mange trækkende fugle over havet, det var meget stille med kun få Sortænder, Alk og Lomvier, Rødstrubet lom og nogen fiskende Suler. Der var dog også en Hvidklire der kaldte men ikke sås, og så stod der også 2 Rider ved søerne på stranden, som er spændende for en Bornholmer som mig, da vi ikke har mange af dem derovre.

Solenn kom også kort forbi på hendes gåtur, og så senere blandt andet Sortstrubet Bynkefugl tæt på stationen. Prescillia kom også forbi og blev en halv times tid før hun gik videre og blandt andet så end ret tam ung Havterne der stod på stranden, som hun også fik et godt billede af.


Efter morgenobs gik Aksel og jeg langs sandormsporet til Nordstrand og videre ud til spidsen hvor vi så på Suler der fiskede, det er vi altså heller ikke vant til på bornholm, det var min første gang helt ude på spidsen:)

Pludselig passerede også en Havlit lige forbi os på kort afstand og lidt efter også en Sortgrå Ryle;)IMG_6485.jpg




Sortgrå Ryle

Prescillia lavede dejlig mad med svampe som Aksel havde samlet tidligere.

Folk på stationen: Aksel Y. Munkholm, Louis Kristoffer Poulsen, Diana Sciandra, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Michael Fink og vores gæst Kirsten Bregn.





Dagens observationer

Slow day: walks and waffles!

torsdag 13. oktober 2022

Hello everyone,

This morning, Diana, Louis and I went to open the nets in Kabeltromlem. As soon as the opening was finished, we had to close because Oluf Lou was ill and could not ring with us this morning and Simon had to leave for a few days to give lectures especially on the interest of birdwatching for the citizens. However, despite a short opening, we caught 7 birds.

Meanwhile, Aksel joined Knud at Verdens end 3 to the counting of seabirds. They saw a caspian gull (Levantmåge) and his two first long tailed ducks (havlit). On this slow day, he was able to apply his knowledge to identify kittiwake far away. After the nets were closed, Louis went for a walk at Cormorant Lake where he saw common snipes (Dobbeltbekkasin) and bearded reedlings (skægmejse). Diana and I joined Solenn, who had been resting with an eye problem, to play a game of Wingspan.

In the afternoon, Solenn worked on the night recordings made last night, Louis was resting and Aksel was preparing his applications for his master's degree. After the rain, Diana and I went into town to buy some food and enjoy a walk around town and a waffle!

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At the end of the day, Aksel went for a little walk in search of mushrooms, Diana entered the data and preparing dinner. Solenn, Louis and I worked on our computers.

We also share with you Diana's talent for painting, of which she made this beautiful fieldfare for Solenn's birthday a few days ago!

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Ringing at Kabeltromlem

Munk : 3

Gærdesmutte: 3

Rødhals: 1

Total: 7

Observations of the day in DOFbasn from observers in the area

People at the station : Aksel Munkholm, Louis Kristoffer Poulsen, Diana Sciandra, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Simon S. Christiansen, and our guest Kirsten Bregn.


A happy "tristis" day

onsdag 12. oktober 2022
af Diana Sciandra

Hello everyone!

Today has been a very interesting day, in particular the ringing at Kabeltromlen has been really busy: 88 birds ringed (and, moreover, 9 recaptures). The morning started quite late because it was raining in the early morning, so me, Solenn and Louis waited to open the nets. When the opening of the nets is accompanied by many birds (saw or heard) it is always a good thing, and today it was one of those days! It was fun opening the nets (at least for me), both for the birds seen and for the work itself: it was the first day for Louis, so I explained him how to open the nets, the path to follow to complete the rounds and all the stuff related to how a ringing station works. Since the first round we were pleased to have Oluf Lou and the guest Kirsten Bregn helping ringing: we spent all together a great time. Sometimes I try to learn some Danish words, and today there were hundreds of Eurasian jackdaw (Allike) migrating so I remembered a funny sentence Simon told me: “Fuld som en Allike”, and they helped me with the pronunciation.

carduelis cut

The two Golfinches (Stillits) we caught today: Hanelie loves them and we already miss her a lot (she returned in Germany some days ago). 

The highlight of the day was a Siberian chiffchaff (Sibirisk Gransanger, Phylloscopus collybita tristis: here some information about that bird) caught in the nets: Aksel recognized immediately it was not a normal Chiffchaff (Gransanger) and we called Simon to come to see it and him and Prescillia joined us to see it. Just an hour before the bird was caught Simon heard the same subspecies during his birdwatching walk (here the link to his recording: that subspecies can be easily recognized listening to the characteristic “sad-like” call).

phy tristis cut

I had another very good sighting, shared with Louis; a small flock of Bearded tits (Skægmejse) passed over the reeds close to some of the nets: maybe on the next days we can find them inside the nets! Louis was very happy about all the day; it is really a special feeling to have a bird in your hand for the first time; soon he will gain more confidence and he will be happy to ring! Solenn, instead, hadn’t a very cool day because in the middle of the morning her eye startd to hurt and she had to go to a doctor in Skagen: we all hope she will recover soon resting some days without doing too much effort with that eye. Prescillia, before coming to Kabeltromlen, had a very delightful morning too: she went observing at Verdens end 3 with Knud: amongst many interesting birds they saw also 8 Canada goose (Canadagås) and many Greylag goose (Grågås).

In the afternoon me and Prescillia ended with Simon the snow-bunting new traps: tomorrow we will try them! After I entered the data of the day I was really pleased to read an email from the Polish Ringing Center, reporting the history of a Caspian Gull (Kaspisk måge) with yellow ring that me and Solenn read at Grenen some days ago: it was ringed in 2019 in Poland as chick and it travelled a lot (United Kingdom, Poland and Netherlands).

caspian gull cut

Ringing (Kabeltromlen):

Sibirisk Gransanger: 1

Gransanger: 5

Fuglekonge: 7

Gærdesmutte: 10

Gråsisken, Nordlig: 8

Gråsisken, Lille: 6

Stillits: 2

Rødhals: 1

Jernspurv: 1

Dompap, Lille: 3

Dompap, Stor: 8

Dompap: 8

Rørspurv: 12

Blåmejse: 5

Munk: 5

Musvit: 9

Vindrossel: 1

Sangdrossel: 2

Total: 88

Dagens observationer kan ses her

Folk på stationen: Aksel Munkholm, Louis Kristoffer Poulsen, Oluf Lou, Diana Sciandra, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Simon S. Christiansen, and our guest Kirsten Bregn.

P.S.: I am looking to someone who wants to go to see the Yellow Warbler; the bird is still in  Agger Tange and it is really stunning, but I don't have a car to reach it. Please contact me/us if you want to go! 


Peregrine Falcon !

tirsdag 11. oktober 2022
af Solenn Boucher


/!\ One of our volunteer is really keen to go see the yellow warbler but doesn't own a car. Anyone willing to go there and having a spare car seat to offer is invited to please get in touch with us !


Hi everyone,

This morning I went observing with Prescillia. While counting the 360 eiders Ederfugl resting around the bunker, I spotted a strange-looking bird and got the scope out to get confirmation from Prescillia : itw as my very first golden eye Hvinand !

We then joined Knud at World Ende 3 for three hours of shivering in the wind. The highlight of the morning was a very nice peregrine falcon Vandrefalk flying to the north west ; it stopped to rest on the beach long enough to allow us to take shaky pictures of it through our scopes (hence the bad quality picture !).

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We were later joined by Aksel, Louis and Diana who finished yesterday’s beach fulmar survey, finding less than 10 seabirds including fulmar Mallemuk, gannets Sule, and alcids Alkefugle – they saw a purple sandpiper Sortgrå Ryle on the way, but the story doesn’t tell whether itw as the one we ringed... At that time I decided to take a walk to the tip to warm myself up ; I really enjoyed to see the sanderlings Sandløber trying to take shelter from the wind behind some pile of algae ! Of course, it was at that time that the team spotted a migrating red-necked grebe Gråstrubet Lappedykker and a curious weasel walking on the beach…

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At the same time Simon had an interesting morning : after dropping Hanelie at the train station for her way back to Germany, he was invited to speak about the american Yellow warbler Gulsanger on  TV news ! You can find the link by clicking here (in danish).

The beach-survey team headed home shortly after joining us ; Aksel then showed Louis how everything works, as he is his mentor. Prescillia and I joined them around lunch time, where we decided to finally go see the exhibition : it took us no less than 1 month to visit the place downstairs ! We enjoyed seeing the art and explanations and invite anyone who hasn’t been there yet to hurry before the exhibition changes. We also went all the way up to the top of the lighthouse (205 stair cases, no less !), where we gazed at the landscape while the wind was making our hair fly high.

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As soon as we got down, Simon made a session about skull ossification, a process still ongoing for young birds on their first autumn ; it is a very helpful age criteria for some species difficult to age based solely on their plumage, like treecreepers Trælober and goldcrests Fuglekonge. He showed us some pictures for us to know what to look for, and then we headed to the lab where we practiced our skills on birds taken out of the freezer.

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After the evening meeting, Simon had another meeting about fun ways to support the station, like species sponsor opportunity ; Prescillia finished one of the new snowbunting traps, while Diana put out the sound recorder for the night, Aksel cooked a delicious meal as always and I finished my presentation for tomorrow, which hopefully we will have time to do – or should I wish instead for many birds to ring, enough to keep us busy most of the day ? Let’s see what happens tomorrow…

People at the station : Aksel Munkholm, Louis Kristoffer Poulsen, Diana Sciandra, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Simon S. Christiansen, and our guest Kirsten Bregn.

Today’s observation of the area on DOFBasen

Sand i kaffen og skovskade i nettet

mandag 10. oktober 2022
af Aksel Munkholm

Hej allesammen

En begivenhedsrig dag her på stationen er ved at være overstået. Der har både været morgenobs, ringmærkning, mallemuk indsamling på stranden, fødselsdagsfejring, ny frivillig og meget mere.

Dagen startede for mit vedkommende med en gang morgenobs sammen med Knud ved verdens end 3. Det var en noget blæsende omgang med sand i både øjne, øre og kaffen og uden de store træktal. Det var dog stadig en rigtig god morgenobs med solskind og en god diversitet af arter. Der var en ung kaspisk måge som meget pædagogisk længe stod på stranden sammen med sølvmåger og svartbage så Knud tydeligt kunne forklare hvad de vigtigste kendetegn er. Derudover kom der i løbet af morgenen både Rødstrubet lom, gråstrubet lappedykker og toppet skallesluger forbi tæt på stranden, hvor det selv for en halvamatør som mig var nemt at spotte forskellene. Lige inden lukketid kom der også to stor korsnæb trækkende fra vandet og fik afsluttet morgenobsen på god maner.

Imens Knud og jeg holdt skansen ved verdens ende, var Hanalie, Diana, Prescillia, Kirsten og Simon ude ved kabeltromlen for at ringmærke. Vinden var kraftig i dag, så nogle af nette forblev lukket, hvilket resulteret i at der ikke kom det store antal fugle i nettene (ringmærket: 29). Lidt kan dog også gøre det, for i dag fik vi endelig 2 skovskader i nettene til stor begejstring. Dem har vi snakket om mange gang når de provokerende flyver lige hen over hoved på os ved kabeltromlen og videre ned over nettene.

Senere på dagen var det igen blevet tid til mallemukindsamling på stranden imellem gammelsagen og grenen. Her fik Diana og jeg i begyndelsen tilslutning af Simon, to medarbejdere fra naturstyrelsen og en journalist. Vi nåede dog kun til Nordstranden inden regnen havde indhentet os, og vi blev samlet op af Simon. På vejen fandt vi 3 døde mallemukker, som dog var i for dårlig tilstand til at tage med hjem. Vi fortsætter dog jagten i morgen på den resterende del af strækningen.

Solenn har også fødselsdag i dag, så det skulle også fejres! Ligeså skulle stationens nye frivillige Louis også bydes ordentligt velkommen, men vi skulle sige farvel til Hanalie, som rejser hjem i morgen efter næsten at have været her i Skagen siden februar. Vi hyggedes os derfor med fødselsdagssang, pizza, kage og fuglebingo.

Dagens observationer kan ses her

Ringmærkede fugle:
Gransanger: 7
Fuglekonge: 3
Rødhals: 2
Gærdesmutte: 4
Jernspurv: 1
Rørspurv: 2
Dompap: 1
Bogfinke: 1
Munk: 3
Blåmejse: 1
Vindrossel: 1
Sangdrossel: 1
Skovskade: 2
Total: 29

Folk på stationen: Aksel Munkholm, Louis Kristoffer Poulsen, Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Simon S. Christiansen, Lisa Vergin og vores gæster Kirsten Bregn og Amanda.

A great twitch and goodbye Skagen

søndag 9. oktober 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu

Good evening everyone,

The morning started for Solenn and me with opening the nets at Kabeltromle. Lisa and Simon joined for the first round. There were many birds in the area, which we already heard while waiting for the first round. We caught some of the Bullfinches “Dompap”, we had heard before, otherwise many Wrens “Gærdesmutte” and the Highlight of the morning was a Great Spotted Woodpecker “Stor Flagspætte”. Diana and Prescillia were observing at Verdens Ende 1 today. There, they could observe the passerines very well, Bullfinch “Dompap” Tits “Mejse” and Reed Bunting “Rørspurv”. But we closed the nets quite early because the Yellow Warbler “Gulsanger”, that had been seen at Agger yesterday was still there. Jørgen passed by quickly at Kabeltromle, he was going to see it with Erik and some friends and later Oluf offered us a lift and so Lisa, Simon and I could join him and Jeppe to Agger.

While we were in the car, Diana, Prescillia and Solenn went to Jennes Sø to join Michael, who was still ringing. The highlights were Treecreepers “Træløber”. And also Poul Jennes Cabel Car, that they all tried which was a lot of fun. Also Aksel, who had had a free weekend with his family and his girlfriend joined them at Jennes Sø.

Prescillia at lunch at Nordstrand today, afterwards she decided to go to Tilsandene Kirke to see the Parrot Crossbills “Stor Kornsnæb” again. Aksel and Solenn were at the Cormorant Lake today as it is the International Waterbird count this weekend. They were surprised to see a Mute Svan “Knopsvane” at Cormorant Lake and there were also Waterrails “Vendrikse” and they were happy to see Cranes “Trane”.

And afterwards, Aksel and Solenn also decided to go to Cormorant Lake and also Diana and although they all didn´t plan to meet there, all four of them met at Tilsandene Kirke in the end.  


Tilsandene Kirke



Parrot Crossbill "Stor Korsnæb"

In the afternoon, Kirsten, who I met already in September at the Bird Observatory, arrived. She will be here as guest for a week and ring with us.

But – maybe you are asking yourself already – what about the Yellow Warbler “Gulsanger” team? Oluf, Jeppe, Lisa, Simon and I spent quite some hours in the car today. We passed at some very beautiful and interesting Wetlands that I would love to explore somewhen. And finally, we arrived at Agger, where we met many birdwatchers. Erik, Jørgen and their friends were already there, and we also met Hans and Birthe.  And the most important: We all saw the Yellow Warbler “Gulsanger” very well, although it was quite difficult to see it, although it stayed in the area all the time, because it was very well hidden behind the needle twigs or leaves of bushes. So we all stayed there, staring in the tree with binoculars and camera lenses directed to the place where the bird disappeared in the twigs the last time and around where it would show up again at some point. But it was great to see it. For Simon, it was the third American Warbler he saw in Denmark. For me, it was a special last lifer for my stay here at Skagen Fuglestation.


Yellow Warbler "Gulsanger"

Because the day after tomorrow, I will take the train back to Germany, as in week 42, the winter semester at university will start and I need to go back to continue my studies.

2022, I  have been at Bird Observatories since February  and imagining not to be surrounded by a lot of keen birdwatchers and changing to another routine than the one of a bird observatory feels very strange and a bit unreal so far. I will miss the seabirds for sure, as well as ringing at Kabeltromle. It was a great time in Skagen, in which I have learned a lot, about birds, butterflies and plants, thanks to a lot of great people! Sometimes, in Skagen, the impossible seemed to get possible. For example, the Bearded Vulture “Lammergrib” which I mentioned in my first blog here in February, when I was listening to a podcast about it, never expecting to see it here, what finally happened in June! I especially enjoyed spring with all the raptors and hope to come back for raptors and ringing at Skagen sooner or later!

Until then, a great thanks to you all, take care!



Ringing Kabeltromle

Gærdesmutte: 10

Rødhals: 6

Stor Gråsisken: 2

Gransanger: 6

Rørspurv: 5

Dompap: 3

Lille Dompap: 2

Stor Dompap: 1

Munk: 4

Blåmejse: 4

Bogfinke: 1

Musvit: 12

Sangdrossel: 2

Solsort: 1

Stor Flagspætte: 1

Total: 60


Ringing Jennes Sø

Gærdesmutte: 3

Rødhals: 3

Gransanger: 1

Fuglekonge: 4

Blåmejse: 3

Musvit: 1

Træløber, nordlig: 1

Norlig Gråsisken: 12

Lille Gråsisken: 52

Rørspurv: 1

Total: 80


Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area


People at the station : Oluf Lou, Jeppe, Michael Anker,  Aksel Munkholm, Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Kirsten Bregn, Simon S. Christiansen & Lisa Vergin

A day of great observations and captures at the station!

lørdag 8. oktober 2022
af Prescillia Lemesle

Hello everyone,

Today, it was "girl power" at the station, Aksel being away with his friends and family, we were all 4. While Solenn and Diana went to observe this morning in Grenen, Hanelie and I opened the nets in Kabeltromlen. Despite the rain which forced us to close the nets early. The ringing was satisfactory, with in addition, the usual captures including a flock of of ten blue tits (Blåmejse) (mostly young birds), a new Fieldfare (Sjagger) and a recapture of Lesser Whitethroated (Gærdesanger) ringed in May 2022. This recapture allows us to deduce that this common migrant in Denmark joins its winter quarters in East Africa probably by passing by Eastern Mediterranean flyway.

Fieldfare (Sjagger)


Lesser Whitethroated (Gærdesanger)

lesser whitethroated

During this time, Solenn and Diana counted seabirds before being interrupted by rain. Diana went to observe with them a potential Siberian Stonechat (Sibirisk Sortstrubet Bynkefugl). Siberian Stonechat is a species very close morphologically to European Stonechat (Sortstrubet Bynkefugl). Still considered as a subspecies of the Common Stonechat, about twenty years ago, DNA analysis allowed to separate it into a distinct species. The observed individual is a young bird which complicates the identification so in order to complete the observed criteria, DNA analyses are necessary. Thus, the team hopes to be able to capture it soon in order to take some feathers for analysis and to confirm this rare observation. Indeed, this Russian and Central Asian breeding bird is a rare bird in Denmark with only less than ten potential individuals observed in Skagen.

Siberian Stonechat (Sibirisk Sortstrubet Bynkefugl)

Siberian Stonechat

Picture of Erik Christophersen (Blog of Erik Christophersens)

The whole team observed this bird which I hope will end up in the nets soon!

Diana saw a Barred Warbler (Høgesanger) ringed a few weeks ago, this migrating and uncommon bird in Denmark seems to like staying in Skagen for a while.

Solenn was later observed at Cormorant Lake where she could see two water rails (Vandrikse) and Common snipes (Bekassine) which had not been seen for several days.

This afternoon, Simon and Lisa, took us to see the parrot crossbills (Stor Korsnæb) present on the parking close to Klitplantage. This species is recognizable by its thick beak unlike the Red Crossbills (Lille Korsnæb).Can you see the difference in the picture?


About ten individuals were observed with attention by the volunteers, because for most of us, it is a new species, this species living in the north of Europe far from our respective countries where the observations are rare.


At the end of the day, while Diana was preparing an excellent dinner for tonight and I was cleaning the laboratory, Solenn and Hanelie went for a last day walk. Solenn observed a Bar-tailed godwit (Lille Kobbersneppe) at Grenen while Hanelie observed more forest species in Batteriskoven (Eurasian treecreepers – Træløber-, goldcrests – Flugekonge -, bullfinch – Dompap - and great spotted whoodpecker – Stor Flagspætte) as well as a Northern Wheather (Stenpikker) near the station.

Now everyone is looking forward to tomorrow, which I hope will bring us some great surprises!

Ringing at Kabeltromle:

Gærdesmutte: 6


Solsort: 1

Sjagger: 1

Munk: 1

Gransanger: 3

Fuglekonge: 1

Blåmejse: 22

Gråsisken: 3

Dompap Lille: 2

Rørspurv: 5

Observations of the day in DOFbasn from observers in the area

People at the station : Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Simon S. Christiansen, Lisa Vergin and our guests Stig and Grethe

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