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Rainy but nice day at the station
This morning was a rainy day, we couldn’t open the nets. We spent the morning entering data.
However Zach and Dante went outside before the heavy rain doing some nice observations.
During the afternoon the weather improved, we could go bird watching around.
Michael was lucky to see a new first for him, which was a Ringed Plover (Stor præstekrave).
Zach is a new volunteer here, and first time in Denmark, he also enjoyed many firsts too like the Rosefinch (karmindompap).
Dante and Lauren went out the afternoon, and found the red breasted flycatcher (Lille Fluesnapper) and a Pied Wagtail yarrellii (Sortrygget vipstjert).
Chloe enjoyed the nice view of the many Eider (Ederfugl) resting on the sea close to the station.
Søren and Karen Marie went out for a long walk across Storsig and found a nice looking Stone Chat (Sortstrubet bynkefugl) and a Tree Pipit (Skovpiber). Photographs by Søren Leth-Nissen.
Skagen fuglestation : Michael Colley, Dante Shepherd, Chloé Meymy, Lauren Evans, Zach, Søren & Karen Marie Leth-Nissen.
Observations of the day
Islom (Great Northern Diver) 2
Karmindompap (Rosefinch) 1
Lille Fluesnapper (Red Breasted Flycatcher) 1
Rødrygget tornskade (Red Backed Shrike) 20+
Sortrygget vipstjert (Pied Wagtail) ssp yarrellii 1
Vi blev bidt! af fugle, myg og den gode stemning på Kabeltromlen
Solen stod op 4.45 til en skøn sommerdag med højt humør på Grenen og godt med fugle i nettene.
Eneste skår i glæden var de helt utroligt store myg, som det våde forår og varmen har hjulpet på vej. Det glemte vi dog alt om, som morgenen skred frem, for Michael, Lauren og Chloé bragte den ene posefuld af fugle efter den anden tilbage til ringmærkning ved Kabeltromlen.
Michael havde drømt om at fange og ringmærke en Rødrygget Tornskade (Redbacked Shrike), og det lykkedes i dag, selvom den nappede ham.
Lauren blev bidt af både myg og de hidsige Gulbug (Icterine Warbler).
Chloé var vild med Kernebideren (Hawfinch) selvom den bed i arrigskab, mens hun ringmærkede den.
Erik Thomsen og Vibeke Glifberg holdt skansen ved Kabeltromlen sammen med os nye gæster (Søren og Karen Marie Leth-Nissen) hele formiddagen, og hjalp med bestemmelse af Hvepsevåge (Honey Buzzard).
Fotograf: Søren Leth-Nissen.
Observationer i dag:
Dante tog observationerne i dag, og så følgende bemærkelsesværdige fugle:
Pirol (Golden Oriole)-5
Hvidnæbbet Lom (White-billed Diver)-1
Karmindompap (Common Rosefinch)-7
Aftenfalk – gammel han (Redfooted Falcon – old male)-1
Temmincks Ryle (Temminck’s Stint)-2
Om eftermiddagen tog Dante til Stald Grenen, hvor en Lundsanger (Greenish Warbler) var observeret, så den kom også i bogen :-)
Skagen Fuglestation: Michael Colley, Dante Shepherd, Chloé Meymy, Lauren Evans, Søren & Karen Marie.
Kabeltromlen Ringing Totals:
Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat)- 8
Fuglekonge (Goldcrest)-1
Gransanger (Chiffchaff)-1
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler)- 12
Gulbug (Icterine Warbler)-6
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat)-9
Broget Fluesnapper (Pied Flycatcher)-5
Skovsanger (Wood Warbler)-1
Grå Fluesnapper (Spotted Flycatcher)-1
Munk (Blackcap)- 6
Havesanger (Garden Warbler)-10
Bogfinke (Chaffinch)- 1
Rødrygget Tornskade (Redbacked Shrike)-1
Solsort (Blackbird)-1
Kernebider (Hawfinch)-1
Total 64
New Arrivals
As per usual, Michael and I had the nets open at Kabeltromlen for sunrise and were later joined by Oluf Lou and our newest volunteer Chloé, who arrived last night after a mega 16 hour drive from France. We had a more productive morning than the last few days catching 24 new birds including a young, male Spurvehøg (Sparrowhawk), our 7th Skovsanger (Wood Warbler) of the spring and a surprise Grønsisken (Sisken).
Spurvehøg (Sparrowhawk).
Michael showing visiting birders the Skovsanger (Wood Warbler).
Dante joined Erik Christophersen in the outer dunes for morning observations. Their highlights today included an adult Mellemkjove (Pomarine Skua), 1 Topskarv (Shag), 2 Islom (Great Northern Diver) and 1 Pirol (Golden Oriole). We all spent the afternoon tidying up the station after the all the excitement of the Bird Festival as well as catching up with entering data. We also welcomed our new guests to the apartment, Søren and Karen Marie, who we’re very much looking forward to ringing and observing with this week.
A full list of today's observations can be found here.
Skagen Fuglestation: Michael Colley, Dante Shepherd, Chloé Meymy, Lauren Evans, Søren & Karen Marie.
Kabeltromlen Ringing Totals:
Spurvehøg (Sparrowhawk)- 1
Gærdesmutte (Wren)- 1
Sivsanger (Sedge Warbler)- 1
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat)- 8
Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat)- 2
Munk (Blackcap)- 1
Skovsanger (Wood Warbler)- 1
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler)- 3
Bogfinke (Chaffinch)- 3
Grønsisken (Sisken)- 1
Lille Gråsisken (Lesser Redpoll)- 2
Bird Festival Day Three
Today was the third and final day of the Bird Festival. Michael and I headed to Kabeltromlen and had the nets open by 04:15. Lisa and Simon then joined Michael at the ringing whilst I headed out to Sandclit for morning observations with Dante, Jan, and the other birders gathered there. It was a rather quiet morning in terms of numbers, but we had some excellent birds including 2 Islom (Great Northern Diver), 2k Hedehøg (Montagu’s Harrier), 1 Steppehøg (Pallid Harrier), 1 Gulirisk (Serin), 3 Biæder (Bee-eater) and 1 Rødstrubet Piber (Red-throated Pipit).
The ringing team at Kabeltromlen caught 15 birds including the first Landsvale (Swallow) ringed of the year which the Bird Festival visitors were more than happy to see.
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat).
Simon gave two presentations throughout the day; the first on plastic pollution in Mallemuk (Fulmar) and the second, entitled ‘Night at the Station’, about night monitoring and night catching.
Simon giving a presentation on plastic pollution in Mallemuk (Fulmars).
The festival concluded this evening with an open barbeque which was well attended by both local birders and visitors. Simon also awarded the prize for the rarest bird found during festival to Kent Olsen for the outstanding find of the Stillehavs Lom (Pacific Diver)- the second record for both Skagen and Denmark.
A full list of today's observations can be found here.
Skagen Fuglestation: Michael Colley, Dante Shepherd, Lauren Evans
Kabeltromlen Ringing Totals:
Munk (Blackcap)- 2
Rødhals (Robin)- 3
Landsvale (Swallow)- 1
Gærdesmutte (Wren)- 2
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat)- 3
Sivsanger (Sedge Warbler)- 1
Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat)- 1
Havesanger (Garden Warbler)- 2
Total: 15
A Big Divers Day
The day started well with an early morning ringing session, where nets were open by 4:15 am at Kabeltromlen. We had a good morning session with 19 birds of 8 species, including the first marsh warbler for this spring and it was my first marsh warbler I have seen and ring, it is a great day for me because Simon and Lisa help me in knowing the difference futures between Reed warbler and the marsh warbler. I have a lot of experience here which will help me as a young Ornithologist. The guests in the apartment where with us at the ringing site, Kristen Bregn and Jan Speiermann . We had about 27 visitors at the ringing site that included Benjamin who was a volunteer here last year and møtter millet Christensen who works at the stations light house.
The ringing totals 19 Birds
Garden Warbler / Havesanger 7
Common Whitethroat / Tornsanger 1
Blackcap / Munk 3
Lesser Whitethroat/ Gaerdesanger 3
Wren / Gærdesmutte 1
Willow Warbler / Løvsanger 1
Marsh Warbler / Kærsanger 1
Today is the second day of the Bird festival at the station and I had the opportunity to attend the talk about whales which made me know their family structure, with their life expansion.
The observation this morning was so positive with some good species seen around that include all the five (5) species of Divers in Europe.
picture taken by JAN SPEIERMANN
The observation for today is as follows.
White- billed Diver / Hvidnæbbet Lom 1
Great Northern Diver / Islom 1
Black-throated Diver / Sortstrobet Lom 17
Red-throated Diver / Rødstrobet Lom 1
Pacific Diver / Stillehavs Lom 1
Bee-Eater / Biæder 1
Skagen Fuglestation: Michael Colley, Dante Shepherd, Lauren Evans, Kirsten Bregn,Jan speiermann.
Bird Festival Day One
Today was the first day of the annual Bird Festival here in Skagen- a three-day festival with talks, guided tours, stalls, a bird race, competitions and more!
Michael and Lauren had the nets open at Kabeltromlen for sunrise and were later joined by Lisa and Kirsten and several different visitors from the Bird Festival. Unfortunately, they had a rather slow morning with only 7 new birds caught but this did give them the chance to go and see the 2 Pomeransfugl (Dotterel) which were resting outside the lighthouse.
Pomeransfugl (Dotterel). Photo: Lisa Vergin.
I headed to World’s End and was joined by at least 75 birders from the festival throughout the morning! The highlights of the morning included 6 Islom (Great Northern Divers), 2 Topskarv (Shags) and 10 Mallemuk (Fulmar). The male svecica Blåhåls (Bluethroat) also remained in the lighthouse garden.
We also said goodbye to Yehonatan this morning, whose ringing expertise and excellent cooking has been a core part of the observatory these last three months and will be sorely missed. We welcomed Jens Speiermann who is staying with us for the duration of the festival.
A full list of today's observations can be found here.
Skagen Fuglestation: Michael Colley, Dante Shepherd, Lauren Evans, Kirsten, Jens Speiermann & Kirsten Bregn.
Kabeltromlen Ringing Totals:
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat)- 3
Gærdesmutte (Wren)- 1
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler)- 2
Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat)- 1
Munk (Blackcap)- 3
Gransanger (Chiffchaff)- 1
Total: 11
A Super Seabird Day
Strong north-westerly winds meant there was no ringing at Kabeltromlen and made us doubt how fruitful our morning observations would be. Dante and I headed to World’s End at sunrise regardless, while Yehonatan and Michael enjoyed a well-deserved lie-in, and we were pleasantly surprised by how good the morning turned out to be! Lots of birds were moving over the sea and the highlights of the morning included 1 adult Mellemkjove (Pomarine Skua), 3 Storkjove (Great Skua), 1 Almindelig Skråpe (Manx Shearwater) and 1 Islom (Great Northern Diver).
Meanwhile, Simon, Michael and Kirsten joined Ander Østerby and local children on a Bioblitz around the station. The aim of a Bioblitz is to find as many different species as possible and one group even managed to find a rather rare butterfly- a Gråbåndet Bredpande (Dingy Skipper). It was a good day for rare Lepidoptera as later, Ragnar Smith spotted a Svalehale Sommerfugl (Swallowtail Butterfly) down the coast.
Despite the weather, we still managed to get some ringing in! Simon spotted a male Blåhåls (Bluethroat) in the lighthouse garden which quickly found its way into the garden nets. After waiting months to catch one, this is the third individual we have caught in 3 days!!! We also received the recovery information of the Swedish-ringed female Rødstjert (Redstart) which we caught at Kabeltromlen a few weeks ago. This individual was ringed at Ottenby Bird Observatory (Simon’s old workplace!) in August 2022.
Male Blåhåls (Bluethroat) being enjoyed by the local children. Photo: Ander Østerby.
In the evening, Yehonatan gave us an informative presentation on the blythi and halimondendri subspecies of Lesser Whitethroat as well as ageing in the hand. We also had to have a small party since it was Yehonatan’s last evening with us and tomorrow, he heads back to Israel after 3 months at the station.
A full list of today's observations can be found here.
Skagen Fuglestation: Yehonatan Ben Aroia, Michael Colley, Dante Shepherd, Lauren Evans & Kirsten Bregn
Cloudy day
The day started well an early morning ringing session, where the nets where open by 4:30am at Kabeltromlen. We had a slow morning session with 16 birds of 9 species, including the second Bluethroat / Blåhals for this spring. We had to close the nets for an hour because it was raining, but later we open the nets again than first round there not much birds than decided to close the nets on our second round, it was not a great day but the Bluethroat/ Blåhals had put more positive in our todays ringing session. The gust in the apartment Kirsten Bregu joint is at the ringing site and she was so please to ring her first Bluethroat / Blåhals.
A special thank you to Magnus Mygird who brought us delicious cake last night that we took it at the ringing site and we enjoyed it all.
The picture of the Buzzard was taken by Patrick Hasager Lauritsen
The ringing totals 16 birds
Chiffchaff / Gransanger 1
Bluethroat / Blåhals 1
Blackcap / Munk 2
Common Whithethroat / Tornsanger 5
Garden Warbler / Havesanger 2
Wren / Gærdesmutte 1
Lesser Whitethroat / Gærdesanger 2
Willow Warbler / Løvsanger 2
Common Redstart / Rødstjert 1
The observations this morning was quieter because there was rain. The weather was so cloudy less windy but that the migration was not much but they were good birds seen around, The most exciting part of the observation was one tag Rough-Legged Buzzard/ Fjeldvåge
List of the observation today
Shag / Topskarv 1
Bee-Eater / Biæder 1
Red- Tooted Falcon / Afterfalk 1
Serin / Gulirisk 1
Great Northern Diver / Islom 2
People: Yehonatan Ben Aroia, Lauren Evans , Dante Shepherd , Michael Colley and Kirsten Bregn
Successful second CES
Yehonatan, Michael, and I headed to Skarvsøen for the second CES session of the spring, and were later joined by our guest Kirsten. As we headed out at 3.30am, Yehonatan spotted a Natravn (Nightjar) in the garden. It was a still, warm day (which unfortunately bought quite a few mosquitoes!) but we still had a nice catch of 27 birds of 16 species. The highlight for most of the morning was a young, male Spurvehøg (Sparrowhawk) until we took our closing round and had a young, male Nordlig Blåhals (Bluethroat) of the subspecies svecica, in the net!
Young, male Spurvehøg (Sparrowhawk).
Nordlig Blåhals (Red-spotted Bluethroat).
Dante headed for morning observations alongside the 30+ other birders gathered at World’s End. There was les visible migration than there has been in weeks previously, but it was still a good morning with 2 Hvid Stork (White Storks), 2 Pirol (Golden Oriole), 2 Lille Skrigeørn (Lesser Spotted Eagles), 1 Steppehøg (Pallid Harrier), 1 Hedehøg (Montagu’s Harrier) and numerous Aftenfalk (Red-footed Falcon) throughout the day.
Simon and Lisa headed south to collect a road-kill deer to replenish the raptor traps. Michael, Dante and I spent the afternoon entering data whilst Yehonatan worked on his presentation on the Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) complex and ageing which he will give later this week. Whilst cooking, Dante spotted a male (Hvinand) Goldeneye resting on the sea just outside the kitchen window which was a lovely end to a great day.
A full list of today's observations can be found here.
Skagen Fuglestation: Yehonatan Ben Aroia, Michael Colley, Dante Shepherd, Lauren Evans & Kirsten Bregn
Skarvsøen (CES) Ringing Totals:
Spurvehøg (Sparrowhawk)- 1
Solsort (Blackbird)- 1
Blåhals (Bluethroat)- 1
Havesanger (Garden Warbler)- 1
Rørspurv (Reed Bunting)- 3
Munk (Blackcap)- 1
Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat)- 1
Bogfinke (Chaffinch)- 2
Rørsanger (Reed Warbler)- 5
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler)- 2
Sivsanger (Sedge Warbler)- 1
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat)- 2
Gærdesmutte (Wren)- 2
Gransanger (Chiffchaff)- 2
Fuglekonge (Goldcrest)- 1
Skægmejse (Bearded Reedling)- 1
Total: 27
Skagen or Spain?
Another still, sunny day here in Skagen with plenty of spring birds to keep us entertained. Yehonatan, Michael, and Lauren, later joined by Simon and Lisa, went ringing at Kabeltromlen and had a good morning catching 30 birds. The ringing site had a very spring-feel this morning with more Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroats), Tornsanger (Common Whitethroats) and Munk (Blackcaps). The highlight of the ringing was an unexpected Stenpiker (Northern Wheatear)- a new species for Michael.
Stenpiker (Northern Wheatear).
I headed to World’s End for morning observations where the highlights included a singing, male Blåhals (Bluethroat), 2 Islom (Great Northern Divers), 7 Biædere (Bee-eaters), Gråmåge (Glaucous Gull) and a Pirol (Golden Oriole). The spring-feel continued when Lauren walked down the Kattegat coast and saw a Gulirisk (Serin) near the campsite.
Biæder (Bee-eater). Photo: Erik Christophersen. https://ecskagen.blogspot.com/
We said goodbye to our guests Jesper and Mette today who we’ve had a lovely time eating, ringing, and twitching with this past week! We also welcomed our new guest Kirsten to the apartment.
A full list of today’s observations can be found here.
Skagen Fuglestation: Yehonatan Ben Aroia, Michael Colley, Dante Shepherd, Lauren Evans & Kirsten Bregn
Kabeltromlen Ringing Totals:
Gærdesmutte (Wren)- 6
Løvsanger (Willow Warbler)- 3
Sivsanger (Sedge Warbler)- 1
Lille Gråsisken (Lesser Redpoll)- 1
Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat)- 2
Broget Fluesnapper (Pied Flycatcher)- 1
Rødstjert (Redstart)- 1
Munk (Blackcap)- 4
Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat)- 5
Havesanger (Garden Warbler)- 5
Stenpiker (Wheatear)- 1
Total: 30