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Constant wind.
Today is a rather windy day not good to open the mistnets. In the morning Peter goes to visit the hospital, I stay at the Observatory to work on the pc. At 11.30 am Flemming tells me that there are two people interested in the ringing tour, they are a Dutch couple. They are passionate about birds and he has developed a smartphone app for the rereading of coloured rings and metal rings of ringed birds. So I open the nets for the tour and demonstrate the catching methods. I manage to ring two whitethroat and a yellowhammer. The visitors are very satisfied with the tour and they go away happy.
At about 2.30 pm, back to the observatory for lunch, Peter is already back, and is busy with the pc. In the afternoon I update the database and later I go to Grenen to take a look around, I see a red-throated diver not far from the beach.
I go back to the observatory at 19:00 and I find the dinner ready, today Laila cooks a very good dish for us!
After dinner we check the weather and plan the activities for the next few days.
New arrivals.
A late morning due to the late evening, but we do get the nets up in the garden briefly. It only do we get a juvenile tree sparrow, but we also caught three whitethroats, all of which were during a guided tour, which was great for the visitors.
During the morning the next guest for the apartment, Hele, arrived, we got her settled in and introduced to everyone and then she went exploring for the afternoon. Her friend Lyla, who also arrived a little later, is one of our ambassadors and will be joining Michele and I with various visitor entertainment tasks.
For dinner I cooked a stir fry, and ran through the evening meeting, showing Lyla what her tasks would be, what the cooking rota will be for the week etc etc. The ladies went out for a walk over to Grenen afterward, before we all hit the sack.
Juvenile tree sparrow
Pizza and Death Metal
Last night we were out to see the lunar eclipse, and this morning we do not get up early. After breakfast, during the morning, Peter and Morten go to the birder's club to welcome tourists. I'm at the observatory to insert some data to the pc.
After lunch I decide to go for a ride in Grenen, while Peter and Morten are at the observatory.
Later around 19.00 we go to eat a pizza in an Italian restaurant, it inspired me, but the pizza did not turn out to be great.
Later we stop to drink a beer and talking to Morten I find out that he is a death metal fan, I like it too, so we spend the rest of the evening talking about music and listening and playing some songs with the guitar, very funny!
Blood moon
Up and out early at Grenen this morning. We caught a reasonable number of birds, 22 new birds and 3 recaptures. We also managed to clear some net lanes and paths and erect two new nets, so quite a successful morning! We managed to catch 3 redpolls together one of which had a yellow instead of red forehead, quite oddly. This seems to be xanthochromism, where the red pigment is either reduced or missing entirely and is replaced by the yellow pigment. An interesting bird!
The rest of the day we take quite easy as we intend try and catch terns in the evening and also watch the blood moon. I make us a cauliflower cheese for dinner, nice to experiment with new recipes. At 9pm Anders Bojesen and his wife arrive with a lemon ‘blood’ moon cake and we spend a couple of hours waiting for the moon to rise, which it does eventually and we watch the whole eclipse through. Sadly the wind picks right up during this and we have to call off the tern netting, still there’s a few more weeks left to try.
Ringed birds. Recaptures
Blackbirds – 1. Redpoll - 1
Reed warbler- 4. Whitethroat - 1
Lesser redpoll – 2. Crested tit - 1
Blue tit – 1
Lesser whitethroat – 2
Marsh warbler – 1
Whitethroat – 4
Great tit – 3
Blackcap – 1
Willow warbler – 1
Chiffchaff - 2
Xanthochromistic lesser redpoll
Blood moon
Rising temperatures . .
Once again the wind made ringing out of the question, so we ok advantage of the late morning to go birding, catch up with work or make ourselves available for visitor inquiries.
Later in the afternoon, we met with Michael Ancher to do some much needed maintenance on the CES site. With a variety of tools, including a petrol driven brush cutter, we cleared the net lanes and various footpaths in a little under an hour, despite the ferocious heat. After this I received a tour of Skagen from Morten Christensen, before escaping from the heat back at the Observatory.
Michele made us dinner this evening, mushroom pasta, and then it was an early night as we intend to go ringing at Grenen tomorrow, and also clear the net lanes and erect a few new nets.
CES day
We’re up at the crack of dawn to head to the CES site this morning. We meet Morten Christensen on site and got set up and ready by 5am. It was a very slow morning with less than 15 birds ringed or processed during 6 hours. It was horrifically hot, however, and this may have influenced bird movement.
We packed up at 11am after the standard 6 hours and I returned the keys to Michael Ancher, who very kindly offered me a cold coke. We spent a pleasant half hour chatting and enjoying the shade in his garden, before I dragged myself back to the observatory. On return to the observatory, we made sure we stayed out of the sun for a few hours after 6 hours in the beating sun on the morning.
Our friend and local Anders Bojesen, kindly invited us to dinner in the evening, a superb vegetable lasagne with an excellent ice cream and caramel sauce dessert. It was a very nice evening and a good way to relax after the long hot morning.
Juvenile blue tit, undergoing its post juvenile moult.
Reed warbler
We ringed a bird!
Much like the other days, the wind is too strong to put most nets up, however we have a booked in guided tour, so we open five of the garden nets and manage to catch a juvenile whitethroat. There’s quite a lot of visitors for this tour, including some of our guests, and we manage to see some kestrels and a few other birds whilst doing the tour. Once this is over we close the nets and continue with other tasks, such as being available in the birders club for visitor questions and the usual computer work. I head into Skagen to pick up a few medical supplies to use as an ersatz first aid kit until we can get hold of a genuine one and do some food shopping whilst there.
For dinner tonight I cook my usual chilli, and and we retired early as we have to get up early for the CES tomorrow . .
Another quiet day.
Today the wind is still strong.
During the morning I'm at the observatory to work at the PC and at the birder's club.
Peter, mid-morning, goes to the doctor. in the afternoon after lunch, I go shopping but step from the beach south of the lighthouse, where between terns, sandwich terns and various gulls I see a seal swimming!
Upon my return I find the three new guests who will be at the observatory until Saturday.
Moulting seabirds
The wind is if anything stronger today so ringing is once again not possible. So Michele and I resign ourselves to another day of being on hand to answer visitors questions and getting on with some indoor work, which never seems to end!
After lunch, Michele informs me that there are two interesting birds in the little bays by the observatory, a male common scoter and a summer plumaged red throated diver. The diver was so close that we thought it was unwell, but it seemed active and hunting constantly when I saw it later in the afternoon and also appeared to be moulting, which probably explains its tameness. The male scoter was also heavily in moult, and in all likelihood cannot fly currently, which gave a great opportunity to see one up close, which you only usually get in wildlife parks.
I spent most of the afternoon watching these two, and also had great views of up to four arctic skuas hunting along the coast. For dinner we have the remains of the vegetable stew that I made yesterday. The weather looks grim again tomorrow, so it’s unlikely that we’ll do any ringing. .
Summer plumaged red throated diver.
Moulting male common scoter.
Still windy . .
Today the wind is very strong!
This morning our ambassador Aase and Mark’s son Malthe leave. During the day we work at the computer and we are welcoming tourists, but because of the weather there is not so many people today. We also spend the afternoon at the observatory performing internal tasks.
Even tomorrow, it’s a strong wind, I think it's interesting for seabirds and I plan to go to Grenen to check the situation tomorrow.