Her på Skagen Fuglestations blog bringes korte nyheder i dagbogsformat om hændelser på fuglestationen.
Busy seabird migration day
Since today the weather was too windy for opening the nets, we all started the morning together observing the seabird migration at Grenen. Although we tried to sit as wind-protected as possible in the Dunes, the first hours were quite cold. However, we were kept busy by a good seabird migration, especially Gannets (Sule), Guillimot (Lomvie) and Razorbill (Alk) were migrating in big numbers. Furthermore, we had some other nice and less common birds: Michaëla discovered a Purple Sandpiper (Sortgrå Ryle) and later on we had several Shags (Topskarv) migrating as well as a roosting Iceland Gull (Hvidvinget Måge). All in all a very good observation morning! After our standardized observation time Jonas met some of the other local bird-watcher at Worlds End I, who had seen a possible Pomarine Skua (Mellemkjove).
During the Observations, we also catched Snow Buntings (Snespurv) again. This time we only caught one new bird. However, we also managed to recatch one of the birds we already ringed. It was interesting to see, that they go into the trap again and now be able to see changes in fat and weight.
Todays Snow Bunting (female, 2K)
Later in the afternoon, we worked a bit on the Reedbed-Trap, finding out which materials we need to finish it. Besides that we took the Sunday afternoon to relax a bit, so we can start powerful into the next week.
Unfortunately, our guests, Mette and Jesper, left this morning. Once again, it was very nice having you here! You have been a great company in field and during the dinners we had together. Thank you so much for helping us transporting net poles and getting groceries. However, Sundays are also the day were our new guests arrive. So, we are welcoming Berit and her sister at the Observatory and hope that you have a great stay.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen
Snespurv - 1
Flere fine snespurve
På dette tidspunkt var vores kære gæster, Mette og Jesper, nået ud til mig og Knud og de kunne altså igen være med til at overvære ringmærkningen af de fine snespurve. De har i løbet af dagen også gjort status på de fugle de har set og det blev vist til 9 helt nye arter. Det er jo også søndag imorgen, så Mette og Jesper tager desværre hjem, men ved i hvad, det har simpelthen bare været en fornøjelse at have jer på besøg! Vi siger mange mange tak for gode samtaler, oplevelser sammen med jer og selvfølgelig den fine gave. Håber vi ses en anden gang!
Til aften lavede Daniel noget lækker lasagne også er det nok tid til noget søvn nu
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
Snespurv 5
Sun, wind and the snow buntings
It was a cold and windy morning. Jonas, Michaela and Daniel went out to observe the sea, but they had to take shelter from the wind by the bunker. The first hour of observations was quite busy, Jonas spotted a puffin (Lunde) flying with a razorbill (Alk) not too far away from the shore. Mette and Jesper, who joined the guys in the dunes also got to see it! What a nice reward for enduring the cold! Overall a good number of razorbills (Alk) and guillemots (Lomvie) were migrating, a total of around seven hundreds!
Back at the station I was planning how to construct a portable field photo lab which we could have at the ringing site, and was looking up mirror traps! As I was waiting for the cold sea observers to return, I made some pancakes and hot cocoa to help them warm up!
Then we had a nice brunch together and headed out to Grenen with some traps for the snow buntings (Snespurv). There we set up a pyramid trap, and two different walk-in traps and waited for the snow buntings to come and start feeding on the seeds we put out for them. We had some luck with the pyramid trap and caught two beautiful snow buntings, a male and a female. We were joined by Mette and Jesper, and Erik Christophersen, who also enjoyed seeing the snow buntings from up close! These were the first snow buntings caught since 2017!
When we returned to the observatory, we did some data entry and had our evening meeting. Jonas made a delicious wok and cooked tofu for the first time in his life! :D Mette, Jesper and Michaela helped him to prepare the food. After the dinner we had a discussion meeting on moulting strategies and ended the day by watching some Brooklyn 99 with well-earned icecream!
Ringing (Grenen)
Snespurv - 2
Ringing (Jennes Sø - Nordstjernevej)
Nordlig Gråsisken - 2
Lille Gråsisken - 3
Sum: two birds ringed at Grenen, five at Jennes Sø.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen
Folk: Simon S Christiansen, Mette and Jesper, Erik Christophersen, Michaëla Berdougo, Michael Ancher, Jonas Pedersen, Daniel Bloche, and Laima Bagdonaite,
Morning ringing at Kabeltromlen
Hi folks!
Our day today started very differently than previous ones, as we started ringing at Kabeltromlen! Laima and Daniel left the house at 5:20 am to open nets up, as Jonas, Simon and I woke up. Jonas went to meet up with Knud for morning observations in Grenen, while Simon, Mette, Jesper and I went to meet up with Daniel and Laima for the first net check. Finn and Peder soon joined us at the ringing table. Jonas and Knud had the great opportunity of seeing a resting shag, and after two hours of observing, Jonas met with us and got to ring a robin as his first bird!
We caught some blackbirds (solsort), robins (rødhals), bullfinches (dompap), blackcaps (munk), a dunnock (jernspurv), a chaffinch (bogfinke), a great tit (musvit), blue tits (blåmejse), and the highlight species, long-tailed tits (halemejse)!
Michael Ancher was also ringing today at Jennes Sø as part of the observatory. We can hopefully meet him soon and maybe go ringing with them as well. :)
While Simon had meetings in the afternoon after taking us grocery shopping, we had a big cleaning party and reorganised cupboards and pantries. Delicious vegan burgers made by Laima, our most talented cook this season, and home made cookies are now waiting to get devoured... :D
Ringing (Jennes Sø - Nordstjernevej)
Blåmejse - 3
Musvit - 13
Bogfinke - 5
Gulspurv - 3
Nordlig Gråsisken - 2
Ringing (Kabeltromlen)
Solsort - 3
Musvit - 1
Rødhals - 7
Jernspurv - 1
Munk - 3
Dompap - 1
Stor Dompap - 2
Nordlig Halemejse - 2
Bogfinke - 1
Blåmejse- 1
Sum = 22 birds ringed at Kabeltromlen
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen
Until next time, be safe! :)
Folk: Simon S Christiansen, Knud Pedersen, Peder Dannow, Finn Laugo, Mette and Jesper, Laima Bagdonaite, Jonas Pedersen, Daniel Bloche, and Michaëla Berdougo
Reward after cold observation morning
This morning we all four volunteers started again together with Knud the observation at Grenen. While yesterday was a nice, warm and sunny day, today the weather was cold and windy. However, we had a good number of Razorbills (Alk), Guillimots (Lomvie) and Gannets (Sule). Furthermore, we had relatively many Jackdaws (Allike) and other Corvidae migrating, so that the count of these species got quite overwhelming. A bit later Simon joined us at Grenen to try catching the Snow Buntings (Snespurv) again. They reacted very well on the corn we put out, though, we didn´t managed to catch them. The trap mechanism was slightly to slow for the fast reacting birds. But next time we gonna use another trap and then hopefully with more success. After Simon and our guests, Mette and Jesper, already left the morning observation, we stayed a bit longer in the unfriendly observation weather. And we got rewarded by a Puffin (Lunde) passing the tip a bit further distant. That was a great observation and a Lifer for Laima and me!
Simon trying to catch Snow Buntings
In the noon Mette and Jesper took Laima and me to the Cormorant (Skarv) colony. We were checking, if they already started breeding, but only a few birds were around and none of them showed signs of breeding. Later in the afternoon we put up the final nets and prepared everything needed for the ringing start tomorrow. We all are really looking forward. Also, we will be perfectly prepared now with the freshly made bird-bags from Oluf and Majbritt. Thank you so much for the bags! The first bird we transported in one of the bags, when we opened the nets at the Lighthouse this afternoon, was a House Sparrow (Gråspurv). A bird not that often caught by the Station and also the first bird for me,that I could ring this year. Later this evening we had a nice Pizza-Dinner together with Mette and Jesper.
Bird bags from Oluf and Majbritt
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen
Ringing (Fyrhavn)
Gulspruv – 1
Gråspruv – 1
Sum: 2
Folk: Simon S Christiansen, Knud Pedersen, Oluf and Majbritt Lou, Mette and Jesper, Michaela Berduogo, Laima Bagdonaite, Jonas Pedersen og Daniel Bloche
Topskarv tirsdag
Tirsdag... En en god dag?
Ja, det er det helt bestemt, for idag skulle vi igen se topskarver, mange topskarver.
(Billede: Frede Jakobsen)
Og som altid hav en fremragende ondsdag!
A sunny dip... of the pine bunting
En yderst oplevelsesrig søndag
Ja, så blev det jo søndag, en herlig dag, den bedste dag på ugen måske endda?
Dette betød selvfølgelig også at vi måtte sige farvel til Anders og Dorthe som vi har nydt rigtig meget at have på besøg her. Anders og Dorthe, tak for selskabet, de gode snakke og jeg håber vi mødes senere på sæsonen!
Whoop, whoop, Whooper swans!
Hey folks! :)
Our day at the obs started as usual with a lovely breakfast. We put some seeds and apples out on our way out, and went to meet up with Knud. We had a few flocks of Whooper Swans flying over before Anders and Dorte met with us, and kept on coming, with a total of... 1762 Whooper Swans (sangsvaner) which is a new record for us!
Migration was very much present today, including some raptor movement with Red Kites (rød glente), White-tailed Eagles (havørn), and Common Buzzards (musvåge). A Lesser Black-backed Gull (sildemåge) also made his appearance right next to Great Black-backed Gulls (svartbag), making it great for comparaison between the two species. Jørgen joined us with his dog, Igor, that I finally got to meet!
Here is a 2nd year White-tailed Eagle (havørn):
We opened the nets in the garden this afternoon so Jonas and I could train. We caught a lovely second-year male Yellowhammer (gulspurv) that I ringed and Jonas released after Simon showed us different ways of holding the bird. After a couple of hours, we closed the nets and Simon took Laima, our new volunteer for the season, for her covid test so she could hopefully join us tomorrow along with Daniel, also a volunteer!
After having done some data entering with Simon, we had a nice start to the evening with a lovely paella kindly prepared by Anders and Dorte for their last night at the observatory. Having travelled to Gambia, Anders showed us the stunning pictures him and Dorthe took of birds, landscapes and people they met along the way.
Until next time! Stay safe :)
Ringing (Fyrhaven):
Gulspurv 1
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen
Folk: Jonas Pedersen, Simon S Christiansen, Dorte H. Jensen, Anders Østerby, Jørgen Kabel, Igor, and Michaela Berdougo
Flere Net og natfangst
Efter regnvejret igår var det godt at komme ud igen. Mig og Michaela sad i læ af bunkeren og på morgenobsen havde vi bla. en ung havørn.
Vi havde også kort besøg af Anders og Dorthe der var ude og gå en tur. Dette var kort før at Anders og Simon skulle til bestyrelsesmøde.
Da vi kom tilbage stod den på smørrebrød bragt af bestyrelsen og det var da meget lækkert.
Dorthe havde nogle ting at se til i Hulsig og det brugte hun middagen på mens der var møde.
Efterfølgende tog vi igen ud til kabeltromlen hvor vi skulle arbejde med at få sat nogle net op. Vi havde dog lavet den mindre fejl i at vi glemte at få selv nettene med. Så det blev lige til en gåtur mere.
Så var det hjem og lave pasta med kødsovs for om aftenen skulle vi ud på natfangst hvilket vi glædede os meget til.
Anders og Dorthe tog også med, samt Anders' søn Christian som var kørt herop for at gå en tur i mørket med os. Det skulle dog desværre ikke blive til nogle fugle denne aften. Vi så tre skovsnepper som lettede men de var ikke til at fange.
Nu er det tid til hvile og imorgen åbner vi måske nettene i fyrhaven, ellers står den nok på net-opsætning ude ved kabeltromlen
Klik her for at se dagens observationer indtastet i Dofbasen af observatører i området
Klik her for at se opsummeret observationer af rovfugle i Skagen
Folk: Simon S Christiansen, Dorte H. Jensen, Anders Østerby, Christian Østerby, Michaela Berdougo og Jonas Pedersen