Her på Skagen Fuglestations blog bringes korte nyheder i dagbogsformat om hændelser på fuglestationen.
Black Tailed Godwit and Wasp Spiders
this morning me and Rosalina were observing with Knud at the top of Denmarks. Over night a big lake formed on the beach and we could observe many waders, for example, little stints, grey plovers and oystercatchers. We also saw some seals and two black-tailed godwits on the beach. Ulysses, Mathile, Kirsten and Simon were ringing Kabeltromlen, unfortunately, there were not many birds in the nets today.
In the afternoon Simon took Mathilde and me to town because Mathilde had a covid test for her flight home the day after tomorrow. Afterwards we looked for butterflies and wasp spiders. Me and Ulysses are going night chatting with the new Thermalscope at the lake on the beach and hopefully catch some waders.
Ringmærkning – Kabeltrommlen
Gulbug – 1
Rørsanger – 1
Gærdesanger – 1
Løvsanger – 1
Tornsanger – 5
Skovpiber – 2
Stenpikker – 1
Total – 14
Folk på stationen: Mathilde Ducroz, Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen and Kirsten Bregn.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen
Beach observations
In the late evening, Augustin and Simon went out night catching. No birds were caught. However, they had fun trying out the new thermal binocular whith which they saw bats, a fow, some waders and a seal. This meant a long outing. Ulysses and I woke up to check the weather to see whether ringing would be possible, sadly too much wind meant today we had to miss out on ringing.
Apart from wind, the weather was very nice which meant observations were still on. Augustin and Rosalina headed out at half five to World’s End 3 to meet with Knud. I joined them at half seven. The observations were successful with the usual hundreds of scoters (sortand) and gannets (sule). There was also a surprising number of fulmars (mallemuk) and great skuas (storkjove) out today. Some highlight species were 2 resting ruffs (brushane), 1 black guillemot (tejst) and 2 artic skuas (almindelig kjove). A grey seal was also spotted. I took some time off from observing to take some pictures of birds. The flock of sanderlings were being very tame and photogenic.
In the afternoon, we had a second session on moult, particularly on moult cards and split moults. It was really nice to be able to go through and it be explained in more detail. Ulysse and Rosalina set up two extra nets in reeds in the hopes of attracting sedge warblers (sivsanger) and other reed dwelling birds. Kirsten is making diner tonight and Ulysse is making desert for Augustin’s birthday.
Folk på stationen: Mathilde Ducroz, Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen and Kirsten Bregn.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen
Fruitful ringing and moult classes
While the night catching that Mathilde and I went on was sadly unfruitful, we caught a lot of birds this morning for our short but intense ringing session. It included my first redstart (rødjstert) of my stay and numerous willow warblers (løvsanger). We, unfortunately, had to stop early as Simon had to leave early.
In the afternoon we had a small quiz about bird identification and watched a video on moult and aging in local passerines. A very useful insight from Simon for the upcoming migration in autumn. We also learned about a new aging technique regarding the skull of juvenile birds.
Today we also welcome our new volunteer, Rosalina who will stay with us for a few months: she will be mentored by Augustin for the first week so that she can learn what she needs.
Kærsanger – 1
Gærdesanger – 5
Løvsanger – 10
Rørsanger – 4
Munk – 3
Tornsanger – 6
Rødstjert – 1
Rørspurv – 2
Total 32
Folk på stationen: Mathilde Ducroz, Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen og Kirsten Bregn.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen
German guests and Kirsten
Last night two of my friends from my hometown arrived here and we went night catching but unfortunately didn’t catch anything, we only saw a seal pup on the beach. They joined us this morning when we went out observing, after that we went grocery shopping and took a nap. After our early evening meeting, we cleaned the apartment and I went out to the beach with my friends, they left before dinner to catch their ferry to Sweden where they will go canoeing for ten days.
Simon went to the beach to record some videos for youtube with Pernille Roed and her three children. In the afternoon Kirsten, our new guest in the apartment arrived she will be joining us in the ringing during her stay at the station and I prepared some spinach lasagna for us.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen
Folk på stationen: Mathilde Ducroz, Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre, Augustin Sticksel og Kirsten Bregn.
Calm day
Last night’s night catching wasn’t able to take place because of the great weather: cloudless and windless night. This changed in the morning where the wind was strong and rain clouds were coming in. The bad weather meant we all got to sleep in. The rest of the morning was filled with admin work: sorting out the picture archive, analysing the sound recording and sorting out data inputting errors. Saturday also meant cleaning day: the lab and flat. Augustin and Ulysse went out each to cut the reed and shrubs around the nets and paths at Jennes Sø and Kabeltrommlen. I went out to the tip to try and photograph some of the waders present.
In the evening, Augustin and I went out to see if we could find some lesser black-backed gulls. We tried to see if any of them had rings but most were sitting or the flowers blocked the view. We did manage to catch one of the previous ringed plover chicks. It was nice to see them doing well. While we were out, Ulysses prepared dinner: pizzas. Two of Augustin's friends arrived to stay the night.
Folk på stationen: Mathilde Ducroz, Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre og Augustin Sticksel.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen
Few birds but a good one
Today we… went ringing again!! Augustin and Mathilde opened the nets, and we all found a beautiful surprise in the first rounds: a juvenile barred warbler (høgesanger), the first of the season. Sadly, even though the cloudy weather was supposedly very adequate, the ringing was very slow placed: only 14 birds found their way to our nets.
Simon animated a ringing tour for 2 families in the beginning of the afternoon to demonstrate and explain ringing techniques to the public. The nets of the old Lighthouse Garden were opened, and a single whitethroat (tornsanger) was ringed over the hour.
It rained for most of the afternoon, so we were not able to go out to Kabeltromlen to trim the growing vegetation around some of the mist nets and make way for a new net in the reed area.
If the weather doesn’t clear too much, Augustin and I will probably go night-catching around the tip of Grenen, looking for waders (vadefugle) or terns (terner).
Ringmærkninge – Kabeltrommlen
Høgesanger – 1
Tornsanger – 3
Munk – 1
Rørsanger – 3
Løvsanger – 5
Kærsanger – 1
Solsort – 1
Gærdesanger – 1
Ringmærkning - Fyrhaven
Tornsanger - 1
Total – 17
Folk på stationen: Mathilde Ducroz, Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre og Augustin Sticksel.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen
Norwegian rørsanger
The day started slightly later for Augustin and me as Ulysse volunteered to open all the nets by himself. The morning started off well with half a dozen birds at each round but it was sadly cut short because of rain coming in. No special birds but the first pied flycatcher (broget fluesnapper) was seen close to the nets! We also got very excited about a Norwegian ringed reed warbler (rørsanger).
As it was raining, this meant nap time for us! The after was spent entering data, analysing the night recording, checking data and sorting out the photo archive. In the evening we opened the nets and so far have had 3 birds. The guests were kind enough to make us diner: corn on the cob, tortilla and pancakes.
Ringmærkninge – Kabeltrommlen
Havesanger – 2
Tornsanger – 6
Munk – 2
Rørsanger – 2
Løsanger – 4
Kærsanger – 4
Gærdesmutte – 1
Gulspurv – 1
Ringmærkninge – Fyrhaven
Tornsanger – 2
Gulspurv – 1
Total – 25
Folk på stationen: Mathilde Ducroz, Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre og Augustin Sticksel.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen
Harbour Porpoise and Orca at Grenen
All the volunteers went out observing with Simon today. On our way to worlds end 2 we saw a spotted flycatcher (Grå Fleusnapper) we heard it yesterday but couldn’t see it. So Simon quickly set up his scope and we were able to take a look at this beautiful bird before it leaves Grenen and flies off to Afrika. We set our observing post at worlds end 2 for the first hour so we could get a better look at the marsh fields and take a better look at some passerines, but we weren’t too lucky with that. At the end of the first hour Simon saw a Orca and we decided to move nearer to the shore so we could get a better look at it. This tuned out to be a perfect place to see a harbour porpoise (Marsvin) near the shoreline. We continued our observations until 9:30 o’clock after that we returned and entered the data from this morning.
In the afternoon me and Mathilde went to skagen to do some grocery shopping and some birdwatching at the harbor while Ulysses was catching up on some sleep. After that i helped Simon with a ringing tour in the old lighthouse garden, unfortunately, we didn't catch any birds.
Havfugletælling – Grenen, Worlds End 1&2
Total 3046
Folk på stationen: Mathilde Ducroz, Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre og Augustin Sticksel.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen
Open Freezer Day
Today was a good day for ringing, with the northern winds and the recent rains, we caught several Willow warblers (løvsanger) and chiffchaffs (gransanger). Mathilde and Augustin opened the nets for a first round around 5h30. The threat of rain sadly cut our session short around 9h30. This left us plenty of time to catch up on sleep, clean around the flat and log in data.
Simon held an open freezer presentation, showing off the impressive collection of birds that we accumulate over the years (falcons, owls, blackbirds, finches, etc./falk, ugler, solsort, finke, etc.). A small crowd gathered in the courtyard of the lighthouse for over 45 minutes.
We welcome Niels Eriksen, head of the board of the Skagen Bird Observatory, who will join us until tomorrow to attend a Friends of the Observatory meeting here in Skagen.
Ringmærkninge – Kabeltrommlen
Tornsanger – 5
Gærdesanger – 3
Kærsanger – 1
Gransanger – 2
Munk – 2
Løvsanger – 5
Rørsanger – 3
Gulbug – 1
Total - 22
Folk på stationen: Mathilde Ducroz, Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre og Augustin Sticksel.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen
Jennes Sø
Ulysse and I headed to Jennes Sø for a CES (Constant effort site) ringing session. This meant an early morning with the nets to be opened by 4:45. The mosquitos were also very present. However, although we only caught 12 birds, we did catch quite a few different species. I was able to ring my first robin (rødhals) and Ulysse was lucky to ringed the bird of the session: a greater spotted woodpecker (stor flagspætte).
While we were ringing, Augustin got to sleep in a bit more, until 5! He went to world’s end 3 to observe with Knud. There were the usual species such as the hundreds of common scoters (sortand). Kestrels were out in numbers today. Notable species seen were the manx’s shearwater (almindelig skråpe), the red backed shrike (rødrygget tornskade) and the spotted redshank (sortklire). They also spotted a grey seal (grå sæl) out at sea.
After ringing and observations, we came back to the lighthouse for a short break before going out to open the nets in the old lighthouse garden. This was for the ringing tour organized in the context of the Kattegat week. When we thought the tour would be empty, the last net had a yellowhammer (gulspurv). The rest of the day was spent doing admin and shopping.
Ringmærkninge – Jennes Sø
Tornsanger – 2
Gærdesanger – 1
Kærsanger – 1
Solsort – 1
Gransanger – 3
Rørspurv – 1
Rødhals – 1
Gærdesmutte – 1
Stor Flagspætte – 1
Ringmærkninge – Fyrhaven
Gulspurv – 1
Total - 13
Folk på stationen: Mathilde Ducroz, Simon S Christiansen, Ulysse Reverre og Augustin Sticksel.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen