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Building traps for perfect birds

fredag 7. oktober 2022
af Diana Sciandra

Hello everyone!

Yesterday night we tried again night-catching: it was very successful (7 birds) for the group (Aksel and Solenn) that went to Cormorant Lake, but unsuccessful for me and Prescillia. We saw some birds at the tip (Grenen), but we haven’t caught one. At least we observed different beautiful Natterjack toad (Strandtudse, Epidalea calamita).

111 epidalea calamita

Today was a very slow day for some of us: the wind was too strong to ring at Kabeltromlen, so we did just observations. Aksel and Solenn went at Nordstrand and they had a very good day. Many divers (more than 150, mainly Red-throated diver, Rødstrubet lom) were seen migrating and resting, moreover 3 Little gulls (Dværgmåge) and 2 Arctic skua (Almindelig kjove) passed. The Snow buntings (Snespurv) are approximately 60: we can’t wait to see them in hand! While Aksel and Solenn were having fun observing, me and Prescillia worked with the computers, at home. Hanelie needs some rest because she is a little sick and we hope she will be back 100% healthy soon.

After lunch, we looked all together a recorded-session about Red polls (Acanthis sp.): we know now how to recognize the different species, their areal and how to assess age and sex (we are ready to ring many of them now)! 

The high number of Snow buntings (Snespurv) flying near Grenen made us think about building different traps to catch them, and we spent the rest of the day doing that.

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Ringing Cormorant Lake (yesterday, 06.10.2022 night)

Enkeltbekkasin : 7

Total: 7

Dagens observationer kan ses her

People at the station : Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Aksel Munkholm, Simon S. Christiansen, Lisa Vergin and our guests Stig and Grethe

Station’s first short-eared owl !

torsdag 6. oktober 2022
af Solenn Boucher

Hi everyone,

Yesterday night was very full of surprises : Hanelie and I were catching jack snipes Enkeltbekkasin at Cormorant Lake when Simon called us off, for the very good reason that Diana and Aksel caught a purple sandpiper Sortgrå Ryle at the tip of Grenen ! This little wader usually breeds in arctic and subarctic region of Eurasia and North America, and migrates south enough in winter for all of its populations to be on ice-free grounds. There, they are closely attached to rocky islands, peninsula and other coastal sectors exposed to vigorous wave actions ; they can also be attracted by breakwaters such as the ones at Grenen, if they provide comparable conditions.


As everybody started to go head home after the birds were ringed, measured, photographed, and released, I saw Lisa running back to the lab to grab the hand net and the flashlight. “What’s going on ?”, I asked, dubious ; “We saw an owl sitting on the road, we’re going to trap it now !”, she replied. I waved them good luck and went back up ; next thing I know, Simon called us saying they trapped it. Needless to say we’ve never rushed out of the flat so fast ! (Funny story, the guests didn’t believe Simon at first when he called them to announce the good news ; fortunately Diana banged on their door to gather everybody.)


This stunning juvenile female short-eared owl Mosehornugle is the very first (of many ?) caught since the opening of the station, 5 years ago. Although short-eared owls mostly hunt at night, they are known to be diurnal and crespuscular as well, making them easier to spot than their fellow nocturnal raptor. The species has a widely spread repartition, as it is occurring on every continent, apart from Oceania and Antarctica ; northernmost populations are largely migrating south during winter, on the contrary of other more tropical population which are usually  year-round resident. Fun fact, this species’s clutch size usually ranges from 4 to 7 eggs, and can go up to 12!

After all the excitement, we got to bed quite late ; courageous Prescillia still woke up early and braved the wind to go observing at World End 3, where she spotted 3 purple sandpipers, of which none seemed to have a ring (yet). The rest of us had a bit more rest and then had separate activities ; Diana went observing at Elle Krattet while Aksel tried to fix a puncture in one of our bike’s tire and I worked on my presentation again. In the meantime, Simon had meetings with a colleague about new project to be implemented for BirdLife Denmark.

After lunch, Aksel and Diana worked on building new traps for snowbuntings, before Hanelie gave us an informative session about ageing and sexing both reed buntings Rørspurv and yellowhammers ; Simon then displayed pictures of the waders and owl caught last night for us to compare them with pictures of other individuals of different sex or age.

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At the moment, Hanelie went to the tip to see the purple sandpipers while Diana, Prescillia and I share the good news on social media ; Aksel is cooking a new recipe that smells amazingly good, to give us strength for this evening’s night catching session. Let’s hope for more surprises !

People at the station : Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Aksel Munkholm, Simon S. Christiansen, Lisa Vergin and our guests Stig and Grethe

Today’s observations of the area on DOFBasen


Ringing :

Enkeltbekkasin : 2 (Cormorant Lake)

Sortgrå Ryle : 1 (Wolrd End 3)

Mosehornugle : 1 (Fyrhaverne)


Quiet day, eventful night?

onsdag 5. oktober 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu

Good evening,


today was quite slow and quiet. Already the morning started like that. Diana and I woke up to open the nets at Kabeltromle. But it was raining and so we needed to check the radar to see when the rain stopped so that we could open. We lay down on the sofa in order not to wake up the others. After a while, todays observers Aksel and Prescillia and Solenn, who wanted to join us for the first round, also got up. Soon, Simon came as well to the bird observatory. Because of the rain, some of us had a chilled breakfast, Diana and I a good bird conversation about other ringing stations in Italy as well as about irresponsible cormmertials that do not care about the environment or indangered bird species.

Finally, it looked okay to go out. When Solenn, Diana and I arrived at Kabeltromle, people from the municipality where cutting bushes there. That is nice, so we don´t need to do that. On the other hand, it was very loud and we were wondering if it would make sense to open the nets. But we did and it made a lot of sense, as it started raining while we were ringing after the first round, so we had to close again. We rang a handful of birds and went home again afterwards. Aksel and Prescillia were also out for observations for one hour. They could observe some birds very close to the beach as Guillemot „Lomvie“, and Red-throated Diver „Rødstrubet Lom”. Then, they came also back to the station. I spent the day mainly with preparing my session about Ageing and Sexing Reed Bunting and Yellowhammer in autumn, that I will give soon. Solenn also worked on her presentaition. In the afternoon, Diana and Prescillia had a walk at the beach.


Near the bird observatory at the beach, we can obserserve Rock Pipits „Skærpiber” again. And there were a lot of Reed Buntings, further inland near Grenen. Aksel and Solenn went grocery shopping and Simon had a guided tour in the area with the senior club. It was a very nice group and they were amaized of some Goldcrests ”Fuglekonge” they saw. After the evening meeting, Simon showed us how to upload sounds on xeno-canto and then we played a game where each of was immitateing a bird sound ”chrr, chrr” for Corn Crake ”Engsnarre” was especially funny. While Solenn was baking her special delicious cookies for us, Aksel, Diana and I were playing bird bingo.


I won a piece of chocolate and Aksel got a recording that he is the best player in bird bingo. After dinner, are planning to go out for nightcatching, one team to cormorant lake and onother team to Grenen. We´ll ceep you updated in tomorrows blog, it will br exciting!

See you,



Ringed birds at Kabeltromle:

Gærdesmutte: 1

Rødhals: 1

Rødstjert: 1

Sangdrossel: 1

Fuglekonge: 1

Total: 5

Observations of the day in DOFbasn from observers in the area

En dag med store forhåbninger, men som aldrig gav den helt store jackpot

tirsdag 4. oktober 2022
af Aksel Munkholm

Hej derude

I dag var en dag med store forhåbninger til specielt ringmærkningen ved kabeltromlen. Solenn og jeg åbnede nettene og fik senere tilslutning af Simon, Lisa og Prescillia. Vejret var lovende og der var igen i dag rigtig mange fugle i luften. Sjældenheder såsom Sibirisk gransanger og hvidbrynet løvsanger var også blevet set/hørt i krattene ikke lang fra nettene ved kabeltromlen. Dette fik os selvfølgelig til at drømme stort. Var det i dag vi skulle have en hvidbrynet løvsanger i nettet og en dag med +100 fugle i nettene?

Det korte svar er nej. Meeeen mon ik det sker i morgen...

Selvom vores forhåbninger ikke gik opfyldelse, så havde vi stadig 56 ringmærkede fugle og en flot morgen. I løbet af morgen fik vi også besøg af et hold pædagogstuderende, som Simon introduceret til ringmærkning og senere lege hvor fugle og naturen kan inddrages.

Mens vi andre ringmærkede, så var Hanalie og Diana plantet ude ved verdens ende (grenen) for at lave morgenobs. Også ved grenen var det en halvstille dag med få fugle. De prøvede at fange snespurve og bjerglærker, dog uden held denne gang. De fik dog aflæst 7 farveringe på nogle af de rastende måger som stod på stranden. De var alle med en sort ring og er derfor ringmærket i Norge.


Eftermiddagen blev for flere af os brugt på lidt birding i området efter nogle sjove småfugle. Højdepunktet her var en sen bynkefugl, som sad og viste sig frem uden foran fyret.  


Fugle ringmærket ved kabeltromlen

Gransanger: 6

Fuglekonge: 5

Gærdesmutte: 10

Jernspurv: 6

Rødhals: 3

Lille Gråsisken: 1

Sortmejse: 2

Blåmejse: 11

Bogfinke: 1

Rørspurv: 2

Munk: 2

Musvit: 2

Sangdrossel: 5

Total: 56

Dagens observationer kan ses her

People at the station: Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Aksel Munkholm, Simon S. Christiansen, Lisa Vergin and our guests Stig and Grethe  


Siberian Chiffchaff (Sibirisk gransanger) heard and seen at Kabeltromlen

mandag 3. oktober 2022

Today, Solenn and I went to Grenen to observe, in addition to the common passerine species seen these last days: Goldfinch (Stillits), Redpoll (Gråsisken), Reed bunting (Rørspurv), Starlings (Stær), snow buntings (Snespurv) accompanied by 3 horned larks (bjerglærke) completed the count.

Aksel and Hanelie opened the nets at Kabeltromlen, joined by Diana. The morning was fruitful with the capture of birds including two great spotted woodpeckers (Stor Flagspætte), two brambling (Kvækerfinke) and two treecreepers (Træløber). Yannick and Sabine, Lisa's friends, joined the team again for part of the morning before leaving for Germany, we thank them for their precious help and wish them a safe return.



At the end of the morning, in the last round, many blue tits (Blåmejse) were also ringed. It is always a pleasure to have this common species in our nets in spite of its aversion to prick the fingers of the ringer!

Early this morning, the team also had the opportunity to see hen Harrier (Blå Kærhøg) fly over the area around Kabeltromlen. After in the morning, the team had also the chance to hear and sneak a glimpse of the Siberian Chiffchaff (Sibirisk gransanger), a subspecies of the Chiffchaff (Gransanger). This subspecies breeds in coniferous forests in Siberia and winters near the Himalayas. However, it is only occasionally seen in Western Europe during the winter. Its higher pitched and more melodious song distinguishes it from other subspecies. Enchanted, the team of the station hopes to capture one soon in the nets, let's cross our fingers.

The afternoon was devoted to data entry and verification for Lisa and me, a nap and the preparation of their presentations for Aksel and Solenn, while Diana went to the North beach to try to capture snow buntings (Snespurv) with seeds to attract them in a trap. In the next few days, the team hopes to capture a few of the 30 snow buntings (Snespurv) counted this morning. Thus, the team is working on the design of new traps so that at each observation session, traps are set to attract them.

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Footprints of Snow buntings!

In the late afternoon, Diana saw a flock of several hundred grey gooses (Greylag goose) flying in the direction of the light house and Aksel went for a late walk where he captured this pretty moon.

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By the way, the whole team is busy tonight setting up the nets in the hope of catching Boreal owl (Perleugle)!

Observations of the day in DOFbasen from observers in the area

People at the station: Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Aksel Munkholm, Simon S. Christiansen, Lisa Vergin and our guests Stig and Grethe

Horned larks and a cold bath

søndag 2. oktober 2022
af Diana Sciandra

Hello everyone!

What a day full of emotions today, for all of us!  

This morning me and Prescillia went ringing at Kabeltromlen; we ringed 67 birds (without counting recaptures). It was quite a good day considering that it rained (rain wasn’t expected according to the weather forecast): we caught the first Fieldfare (Sjagger) of the autumn, a very beautiful juvenile bird. We weren’t alone enjoying all the beautiful birds caught in the nets: a family with 3 children stayed with us all the morning and also Lisa’s colleagues, Sabina and Jannick, helped a lot. I was really impressed about the knowledge of the children of the birds! I hope they will keep this passion since adulthood.


Fieldfare (Sjagger) and a rainbow.

At the same time we were ringing at Kabeltromlen, Solenn was ringing at Jennes Sø with Michael: they had a wonderful morning with 135 birds ringed! The observations today were done at Nordstrand by Aksel and Hanelie; they saw some birds, like Razorbills (Alk) migrating, Gannets (Sule) and a Bar-tailed godwit (Lille kobbersneppe), but the most exciting moment (certainly for Axsel, who spotted them) was the appearance of 20 Horned lark (Bjerglærke).


After the observations they went to Jennes Sø and helped Michael and Solenn closing the nets. Afterwards Hanelie came to Kabeltromlen and told us a little bit about the morning observations: I was really excited hearing about the Horned larks (Bjerglærke) because I have never seen one. They told us that the 20 individuals were feeding at the beach and that probably they were still there. So, after closing the nets at Kabeltromlen, me and Prescillia had a quick lunch and then we ran to Nordstrand. I arrived some minutes before her and I spotted those gorgeus birds, which were a little bit disturbed by people, but were very easy to be found. Prescilla came and took some pictures, then we shared our sighting with other birdwatchers at the beach.


After a while I needed to come back, to go to the grocery shop with Aksel and Hanelie. Prescillia returned home late, because she enjoyed a lot some rest at the beach. When all of us were home we decided (ok, not all together) to go to the beach in front of the lighthouse to bath in the sea; it is really a powerful feeling to be in the cold water of the Baltic Sea in a evening of October.


That bath regenerated us, so we are already recharged to begin a new day tomorrow!

Ringing (Kabeltromlen):

Fuglekonge: 31

Gransanger: 7

Trælober: 2

Gærdesmutte: 4

Grønsisken: 1

Rødhals: 7

Jernspurv: 2

Lille Gråsisken: 1

Rørspurv: 3

Munk: 6

Blåmejse: 4

Sangdrossel: 1

Sjagger: 1

Bongfinke: 1

Total: 71

Ringing Jennes Sø:

Gærdesmutte: 2

Rødhals: 7

Rødstjert: 1

Munk: 1

Gransanger: 2

Fuglekonge: 4

Blåmejse: 6

Musvit: 1

Træløber, Nordlig (ssp. familiaris): 1

Nordlig Gråsisken: 11

Lille Gråsisken: 98

Rørspurv: 1

Total: 135

Observations of the day in DOFbasen from observers in the area

People at the station: Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Aksel Munkholm, Simon S. Christiansen, Lisa Vergin, Michael Anker, Sabine Urban, Jannik Beninde our guests Stig and Grethe 

1st Day of EuroBridWatch !

lørdag 1. oktober 2022
af Solenn Boucher

Hi everybody,

Today is the first day of the 30th Eurobirdwatch, an annual event held on the first weekend of October and set to provide a snapshot of Europe's birdlife at a time when most of the birds are in motion. Eurobirdwatch is the largest event of the BirdLife partnership in Europe and Asia, aiming at raising awareness of the need to save migratory birds, and how important it is to protect bird habitats, breeding areas, stopover sites and flyways. Today, 60 birdwatchers located in Denmark have turned their scopes and binoculars to the migratory birds, providing detailed bird counts to be compared with other places as well as with previous years. Between 9am and 12am, 8600 birds of 34 species have been detected. Here is our contribution!

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Braving the wind, Diana and Hanelie went observing at Nordstrand while Prescillia stayed at Cormorant Lake ; both had visitors for EuroBirdWatch event, who seemed very enthusiastic about bird watching with us. Aksel & I went to World End 3, starting the day with a beautiful pink sunrise; we were quite successful at protecting ourselves from the wind, but our stuff ended up being buried beneath a good pile of sand by the end of the morning. On her way back, Hanelie also quickly went by Stald Grenen. Although no rarities were detected, nor any record number of migrating species, we still enjoyed watching 19 migrating species including tufted ducks Troldand and crossbills Korsnæb, but also many resting species such as pintails Spidsand as well as the 36 snowbuntings Snespurv feeding at World End 3 !

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Back home we cleaned the flat and took a well-deserved nap after these last intense days, while Prescillia cooked crepes for dinner. Simon had a productive meeting about the “Birds for all” project, a socio-scientific transgenerational project during which grandparents would take children out on nature tour, with help of provided media support; let’s hope some of these kids will someday volunteer here at the station !

We also had news from a robin Rødhals ringed at Kabeltromlen on the 12th of September, that traveled all the way to Lopik in Holland, more than 700 km away, within 12 days! Although we are happy that this recapture makes us learn more about bird migration, the bird was sadly recovered dead after it flew into a window; to all those reading our blog, this is a good reminder that you, too, can make your home safer to local and migrant birds by placing stickers on your windows.

Tomorrow morning Aksel and Hanelie will go observing at World End 3 while Diana, Prescillia, Simon, Lisa and their friends Sabina and Jannick will ring at Kabeltromlen; you are welcome to join!


People at the station: Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Prescillia Lemesle, Aksel Munkholm, Lisa Vergin, Simon S. Christiansen, their friends Sabina and Jannick and our guests Bent and Åse.

Today’s Observations in the area on DOFBasen

Dværgryle Night and Gråsisken Day

fredag 30. september 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu

Hi everyone!

As it was a long and full day and a short night, I´ll try to keep this Blog short but with many pictures. Maybe you could imagine it already as I am mentioning the short night, in the night from yesterday to today, we went out nightcatching at Skarvsøen. We split up in two teams, Prescillia and me, as we were such a god team the night bevore and Solenn and Johanna. But as we had clear sky with no clouds, the birds were much more alert and flighty and there were also less at the lake than the nights before. But nevertheless, Johanna and Solenn turned the night into a great success: They caught a Little Stint “Dværgryle”.


Apart from that, three new captured Jacksnipes and Prescillia and I had one recapture. It was a great last night for Johanna and unfortunately, we also had to say goodbye to her as she went back to Germany this morning because soon, the next big adventure will start, Johanna will begin her first Semester at university! All the best for that Johanna! It was a great and ay to short time with you but we already heart, that you will come again next summer!

This morning then, Solenn, Aksel and Johanna, went to Kabeltrommle Johanna joined for the first round bevor she had to catch her train. It was a very good autumn ringing day with record numbers of Redpolls “Gråsisken” migrating, Stor as well as Lille.


But as it was so busy, they did not have time to count, as they had 152 birds today at Kabeltromle! The nets were open until two o´clock so that also Diana and Prescillia could join. They were observing at Verdens Ende 3 today. They had many passerines, Goldfinches “Stillits”, Reed Buntings “Rørspurv” and also a lot of Redpolls “Gråsisken”. Diana was very happy about 36 Snowbuntings “Snespurv” at the beach near the dunes. On the sea there was not so much going on, but they had again some nice Razorbills “Alk” migrating.

I joined Michael and so I was ringing at Jennes Sø for the first time which was a great Experience especially on such a good ringing day. We also had many birds, 126, and mainly Redpolls “Gråsisken”. But also one Treecreeper “Treløber” and a nice Crested Tit “Topmejse”.


Bent and Åse also joined for the ringing at Jennes Sø. Afterwards we met Poul Jenne himself who invited for some drinks.

Back at the station, I entered all the Kabeltrommle Data while Solenn was cooking, Diana and Aksel were repairing bird boxes and Prescillia was cleaning the dirty waders we used at the cormorant lake.

Tomorrow it will rain, but in the morning, we will be out observing, especially as it is the European Bird Watch Day tomorrow!

See you, Hanelie


Ringing Cormorant Lake (yesterday, 29.09.2022 night)

Enkeltbekkasin : 3

Dværgryle : 1


Ringing (Kabeltromlen) :

Dompap : 3

Lille Domap : 3

Stor Dompap : 3

Rørspurv : 12

Munk : 8

Blåmjese : 5

Bogfinke : 3

Rødhals : 26

Gærdesmutte : 11

Jernspurv : 3

Rødstjert : 1

Gråsisken : 3

Lille Gråsisken : 12

Stor gråsisken : 8

Gransanger : 18

Fuglekonge : 24

Musvit : 1

Vindrossel : 1

Solsort : 1

Sangdrossel : 2


Ringing Jennes Sø:

Gærdesmutte: 2

Rødhals: 12

Solsort: 2

Munk: 2

Gransanger: 4

Fuglekonge: 13

Topmejse: 2

Blåmejse: 5

Musvit: 2

Nordlig Træløber: 1

Gønsisken: 13

Lille Gråsisken: 68

Total: 282


Observations of the day in DOFbasn from observers in the area

NocMig 22./23.09.2022 by Lars Mogensen


People at the station: Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Johanna Veentjer, Prescillia Lemesle, Aksel Munkholm, Michael Anker, Lisa Vergin, Simon S. Christiansen and our guests Bent and Åse

Great Grey Shrike in the lighthouse garden!

torsdag 29. september 2022
af Johanna Veentjer

Hi everyone!

After some stormy and rainy days the sun finally came out today. Solenn and I were out with Knud for morning observation at Nordstranden. Our guests Åse and Bent joined us as well. We saw for example velvet scoters (Fløjlsand), teals (Krikant), wigeons (Pibeand), red-breasted Merganser (Toppet skallesluger) and the usual other species.

Diana and Prescillia spend the morning at the Cormorant Lake, where they saw different species of ducks, for example Pintails (Spidsand), waders and gulls. There was also a Sparrowhawk (Spurvehøg) who came for several times and chased most of the birds away.

Aksels day started really good too, as he saw a Great Grey Shrike (Stor Tornskade) in the lighthouse garden just after he went out of the door.  He also took some pictures of it – you can see one of them below.


Afterwards he went to Grenen and spotted six Snow Buntings (Snespurv)!  We were all exited about the Snow Buntings (Snespurv ) and luckily all of us managed to see them. I have never seen some before! Aksel also observed waders and gulls there and took some pictures, like the one of the Grey Plover (Strandhjejle) below.


In the afternoon we entered the data and checked equipment. Soon four of us will be out at the Cormorant Lake to go night-catching. Let’s hope we will be successful!

Unfortunately this was my last day at the ringing station this year. I really enjoyed my time here in Skagen, surrounded by beautiful nature and amazing people, sharing their knowledge with me. I’m very grateful for all the experiences I made here and I’m looking forward to come back!

NocMig 21.09.-22.09.2022

Observations of the day from Observers in the area

People at the station: Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Johanna Veentjer, Prescillia Lemesle, Aksel Munkholm, Knud Pedersen, Simon S. Christiansen and our guests Bent and Åse



En velnæret stor præstekrave i nettet

onsdag 28. september 2022
af Aksel Munkholm

Hej alle sammen

Jeg vil starte med at fortælle lidt omkring nattens strabadser. Vi forsøgte os igen med natfangst ved skarvsøgen ved brug af håndnet og lommelygter. Vi gik all in i forsøget på at fange lige så mange fugle som natten til tirsdag, og var derfor i gang fra 20 til 24 med skiftende hold.

Trods længere tid og flere personer blev det dog ikke nemmere at fange fuglene. Vadefuglene er nemlig ikke så dumme igen som deres kluntet udseende ellers kan mislede én til at tro. Som aftenen skred frem, lugtede de efterhånden lunten, og blev mere bevidste omkring lyset og vores tilstedeværelse. De fløj derfor hurtigere væk når lyskeglen fra lommelygten ramte dem, hvilket gjorde fangsten noget mere besværlig. Til trods for dette endte fangsten dog med at være en succes. Vi fangede 13 fugle i alt; 11 enkeltbekkasiner, 1 almindelig ryle og 1 stor præstekrave, hvoraf en enkeltbekkasin var en genfangst fra dagen før. I kan lige få et billede af den meget tykke og velnæret Stor præstekrave.


Inden vi havde få ringmærket de sidste fugle og pakket sammen, var klokken næsten 02. Det var derfor et par trætte observatører i form af mig og Johanna, som sammen med Knud stod for den første del af obsen i dag. I løbet af morgenen fik vi også tilslutning fra resten af fuglestationens frivillige. Der var kraftig vind fra øst i dag, så vi byttede derfor vores faste obs-post (verdens ende 3) ud med Nordstranden. Her var det nemlig muligt at sidde i læ for vinden, samtidig med at fuglene blev presset tæt ind mod kysten. Highlight fra obsen var helt klar en trækkende islom som kom flyvende pænt forbi. Derudover var der en del trækkende alke i dag, som kom flyvende tæt forbi stranden.

En trist observation fra i dag var dog, at der kom en sule flyvende med et større stykke plastik hængende ud af munden. Ligeså havde vores gæster (Bent og Åse) også samlet en større mængde plastik på deres gåtur langs stranden.

Skarvsøen havde også flere gaver at byde på efter nattens fangster. Efter obsen tog Knud et smut forbi søen, hvor han spottede en sortrygget hvid vipstjert, som også Hanalie og Prescillia fik fornøjelsen af at se.


Resten af dagen blev for os alle brugt på at indhente den manglende søvn fra natten samt nogle praktiske opgaver på stationen.

Se dagens observationer her

Ringmærkede fugle:

Enkeltbekkasin: 10

Almindelig ryle: 1

Stor præstekrave: 1

Total: 12

Personer på stationen: Diana Sciandra, Hanelie Sidhu, Solenn Boucher, Johanna Veentjer, Prescillia Lemesle, Aksel Munkholm, Simon S. Christiansen, Lisa Vergin og vores gæster (Bent og Åse)

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