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“We shot a golden eagle (kongeørn).”

torsdag 31. marts 2022
af Robbe Cool

Thanks to our well-adapted sleeping rhythm, most of us woke up around sunrise. Although we could sleep a bit longer today. Alice and I joined Knud for the morning observations at Nordstrand because easterly winds were predicted for today. We missed the first hours, but luckily, we could help Knud out in the last hours because the cork of the migration bottle was removed by the sun. The siskins “Grønsisken” didn’t fly in groups, but they started to fly in streams. The effect at the seaside was smaller with increasing numbers of red-throated divers “rødstrubede lom”, 6 long-tailed ducks “havlit” and an adult male hen harrier “blå kærhøg”.

When we finished the morning observations, we decided to warm up at the cormorant lake and count the occupied nests. We could count 19 so far. I was hoping to see a viper in the meantime but until now, it’s still a shame species for me.


When we came back to the station, Marion had already arrived from the laser shooting. Marion and Hanelie went together to Thomas in the morning to help him with the laser binocular project. On their walk, they met a pretty male yellowhammer “gulspurv” who didn’t seem to be disturbed by their presence.


When arrived, Marion was happy to finally try the binoculars despite the lack of birds to shoot. She was impressed by the amazing shooting skills Thomas had developed already. Unfortunately for her, she missed the highlights of the day when she left. The increasing temperatures pushed some nice raptors towards world’s end 2. It began with a rough-legged buzzard “fjeldvåge” and a peregrine falcon “vandrefalk” but in the end, she had two golden eagles “kongeørn” in her sights. She was happy to shoot them. Although it sounds a little weird if you say it out of the context, it doesn’t affect the birds!

The two golden eagles were close to the lighthouse but Alice and I were just too late to see them because we couldn’t understand the Danish zello messages. Fortunately, we were comforted by some hugs from Igor.

In the afternoon we tried to assemble the new bike trailer we got. It took us some time to mount it on our bicycle but it survived our extensive shopping tour to the Netto. In the meantime, Marion could finish her assignment for her university which is a big relief for her.


In the evening, our guests made a great meal, named Dhal, for us. They talked about their lovely walk to Jennes Sø and how they enjoyed the bird sounds around there. Simon joined us too for the meal. He has been busy with meetings today. His first meeting was with birdlife Denmark for the project: Birds for all. In his second meeting, he talked about next week when some school classes will come to learn about nature education. Now, he is home and we are relaxing a bit before we start a busy day tomorrow because we go ringing again.

Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area

Sum of the Raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day

See you tomorrow!


People: Simon S. Christiansen, Robbe Cool, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger, Thomas Kjær, David, Bent and Åse.

Night-time adventures and few birds around.

onsdag 30. marts 2022
af Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger

Hi everyone,

As you probably know, we tried our luck once more with night catching yesterday evening. Unfortunately, it was another failed attempt. However, we did find many Jack Snipes (Enkeltbekkasin) in the area of Hirtshals we were out. They were simply too reactive and escaped from a couple of meters away. Hanelie and Simon did manage to get very close to one and almost caught it, but it was half a second too fast for them. But this is still good news for future night catching excursions which are sure to happen. Meanwhile, Robbe who stayed at the station to get some rest faced a change of plans. After trying out the station’s guitar, he locked himself out of the flat while going out to place the guitar back. Unluckily for him, we were all in Hirtshals so no hero was there to rescue him right away. He, therefore, had to stay in the hallway for a little bit but Bent and Åse arrived not so long after as they left earlier than us and he could go to bed.

Now for today, I have a feeling it has both been a long and a slow day at the same time. Once again, I have had to step away a bit from the station’s activities due to my master’s assignment, but I will soon get back to it. All the activities were nevertheless taken care of perfectly thanks to Robbe, Alice and Hanelie. The earliest bird this morning was Hanelie who joined Knud for morning observations at Nordstrand. It was again a rather calm over the sea as well as across land, apart from some groups of finches (finker), Sandwich Terns (Splitterne), and a White-Tailed Eagle (Havørn). Afterwards, they decided to walk to the Cormorant Lake where they saw around 50 individuals, many of which were on nests. It looks like the breeding season is starting for them so we might start monitoring them soon.

Later on, Alice and Robbe also went out, but they headed to World’s End 2 together with Thomas. They got the chance to practice more with the laser binoculars although they weren’t many birds large enough for it, so it turned out mainly into a Wood Pigeon (Ringdue) shooting session. Simon also tried laser shooting for a little while after being out in a field at sunrise where it was unfortunately rather calm.

30 03 1

30 03 2

Bent and Åse used this sunny day to go wander around the lighthouse where they also saw little birds. When everyone got back to the station, we had lunch and we got to meet Robbe’s friend David. They met as Erasmus students in Odense the previous semester and he came to visit the area for a few days. After a quick “evening” meeting at around 4 pm, Robbe and David went for a walk. They manage to find some native plants identified by Robbe who is also a botanist and has much to teach us about plants.

30 03 3

(Erophila verna)

30 03 4

(Tussilago farfara)

In the meantime, Hanelie, Alice and I were cleaning the bikes to get rid of some of the salt that can accumulate quickly and to oil the chains. Teamwork made that task rather fast, and we could move on to other activities. Hanelie is working on some social media posts for the station so you should keep an eye out. If you haven’t seen them yet, there have been recent posts on both the Facebook and Instagram accounts of the station. Alice and Robbe are now preparing a dinner that already looks promising. And I am, yet again working on the flamingo assignment to finish it as soon as possible.

Last but definitely not least, we have some very exciting news to share. Hanelie was meant to be leaving us in two weeks but, after some arrangements with Simon and her university, it has been agreed she will stay until mid-June! You will therefore be blessed with more blogs and adventures from our always energetic dead bird expert.

Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area

Sum of the Raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day

Tomorrow, we will practice our laser shooting skills some more and morning observations will take place as usual. Unfortunately, as Simon is occupied during the morning by meetings, there won’t be any ringing for the second day in a row.

Have a nice evening everyone.


People: Simon S. Christiansen, Robbe Cool, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger, Thomas Kjær, David, Bent and Åse.

A calm morning gives hope for a turbulent evening

tirsdag 29. marts 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu
Hello to all!
In the morning, when our alarm clocks call us from sleep, getting up is not so difficult, because every morning promises new surprises. So Marion and I swung on our bikes and cycled to Kabeltrommeln, both secretly hoping for Bearded Tits "Skægmejse".
For Robbe and Alice Grenen, Verdens end 3 was the destination this morning. Knud had finished his office work for the annual report of the Bird Observatory and hoped for a good migration after the windy day yesterday. And the morning brought surprises, the three saw two Shags "Topskarv" and a living (!) Fulmar "Mallemuk" very far out. They were also able to observe some Porpoises "Marsvin" quite well. Knud also spotted a Black Kite "Sort Glente" and announced it on Zello. Apart from these highligts it was a quiet observation. Marion, Simon and I at Kabeltrommeln heard the Zello call and hoped to see the Black Kite "Sort Glente", however it did not show up over Kabeltrommeln. Åse and Bent, who also jump excitedly out of bed every morning were also at Kabeltrommeln for the first round of ringing. However, we could only show them two Wrens "Gærdesmutte". Yes, it was a quiet morning in the nets but not without highlights, the last round brought us a Grey Wagtail "Bjergvipstjert"!
Grey Wagtail "Bjergvipstjert"!
These pretty birds don't come into the nets often, and it was a good opportunity for Marion and me to see a bird that has three feather generations in the spring. It was a 2K bird that therefore had juvenile, post juvenile and pre breeding feathers from this winter pre-breeding moult. It was very exciting to see this and fits perfectly with the moult session we had had the other day with not one but two instructors, Simon and virtual Simon on Youtube, as we had practiced the Moult Card with a Wagtail "Vipstjert" afterwards. The last net that I checked and then closed, brought a Reedbunting "Rørspurv"
that I was then also allowed to ring and I was also very happy, because it is the first of its kind that I ringed.
Still, today was our slowest ringing day, a total of 6 new birds plus recaptures.
Todays ringed birds
Reed Bunting "Rørspurv": 1
Grey Wagtail "Bjergvipstjert": 1
Wren "Gærdesmutte": 2
Robin "Rødhals": 2
Total: 6
We closed quite early, then cycled home, Marion and I entered the ringing data, then continued to enter the data for the night recording of 19.03.2022 and it is ready now!
While I sat in front of the laptop, it became very quiet at the station, the napping Season has begun! When all were awake again and I wanted to make tired the last corrections to the data entry, all present now also conceded me a nap. When I crawled out of bed again, Marion just warmed left overs, lunch, for me brunch at four. Soon Bent and Åse also came to prepare dinner, our guests cook for us today, it will be good and we are already excited.
Now Marion and Simon are checking ringing data, Alice is adding the Latin names in the overview of moult strategies for ringing, Robbe is out for a walk and I am working on this blog. But the day is far from being over, after the last unsuccessful nightcatching we start a second attempt today, this time in Hirthals, there we also pick up a dead Fulmar "Mallemuk", which Lars Pedersen has found for and temporarily frozen with him. Thank you! Lars Pedersen and Morden Chrestiansen will also support us in the nightcatching.
Keep your fingers crossed that it will work this time, and the long awaited nightcatching catch will come tonight. Preferably several!
See you tomorrow, take care!
People: Simon S. Christiansen, Robbe Cool, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger, Lars Pedersen, Morten Chrestiansen Bent and Åse.

A due revenge !

mandag 28. marts 2022
af Alice Scalzo


Hello hello !

This morning Marion stayed at the station so we were four going to Grennen this morning, Gustav, Hanelie, Robbe, and I were there at sunrise. Our guests Bent and Åse had cycled with us and they were here with us for the first two hours. They had a great experience, they got to see many birds and were very happy to see Gannets (Sule) for the first time !


Unfortunately our spot had been stolen by a seal who had managed to crawl up the dune. But soon after our arrival he left so we could settle were we usually do. Our first observation of the morning was a Short-eared Owl (Mosehornugle), Robbe also spotted a European Shag (Topskarv) on the way, he was quite happy because he got to see it closer this time.

With these two nice sightings we hoped to see many birds this morning, but migration was slow today, and the wind was really strong. We still got to see a Merlin (Dværgfalk) with a passerine in its claws, a few Sandwich Terns (Splitterne), and two Velvet Scoters (Fløjlsand) resting right in front of us. The birds were so rare that we started playing a game to stay occupied while observing. We played birdsnake which consists in saying a bird's name and the next person has to find a new bird with the first letter being the last letter of the previous bird announced. After the third hour was done we came back to the station, battling against the wind. 

We wanted to shoot a few raptors with the laser binoculars but the wind was to strong so we abandoned the idea.

Gustav left us right after we came back, he had a hard time cycling to the station. We were happy to have him here and hope he will be back soon !

Marion's goal for today was to work as much as possible on her university's project, she managed to write down a few things despite the uncooperative Word program. She joined us for a hot chocolate when we came back, we all sat in the living room and decided to play wingspan again. Some of us wanted a revenge ! And we actually did get it ! Marion won and I was second.


In the afternoon Bent and Åse went for a small walk into the woods, they got to see a few buzzards (musvåge) and robins (Rødhals).

Meanwhile I went on a walk along the coast, Robbe began entering today's data, and Hanelie continued entering the data of the nocturnal migration.

And in the day Simon had some work to do for tours, beginners bird courses, and the incoming festival.


Hanelie is making dinner for us and the guests tonight ! We enjoyed a very nice meal and great conversations !

Have a good evening,




People: Simon S. Christiansen, Robbe Cool, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger, Gustav Nyberg, Bent and Åse.

Sommertid Tik "Tak"

søndag 27. marts 2022
af Gustav Nyberg

Så blev det min tur på bloggen. Jeg har været her siden fredag formiddag og vil begive mig hjem i morgen formiddag, selvom der er en eller flere høgeørne på vej. Hvis det sker, kommer jeg sprintende tilbage I fuld hoplala.

I dag var det lidt svære at være frisk som en havørn, så I stedet var vi friske eller nærmere trætte rignduer med samme tuden ved opvækkelsen. Ud kom vi dog, og det var endnu en fornøjelse at være omgivet af den fantastiske natur og diversitet af fugle.

Jeg var på observationsposten kl. 7 sharp sammen med Hanelie. Trækket var stille og roligt I dag, med de mere normale arter værende repræsenteret I scopefeltet.  Vinden var kold og til tider provokerende, da den rokkede mit scope rundt og besværliggjorde observationerne.  Hanelie og Marion byttede plads ved henholdsvis ringmærkningen og obsposten 2 timer efter solopgang. Da Marion ankom, fik hun set arter, hun tidligere havde dårlige observeringer af, rigtig godt I kikkerten. Det var blandt andet dværgfalk og havlit.


Foto: Erik Chrisophersen.

Efter observation, trak vi os tilbage til den grå fuglehule og tog noget frokost. Efterfølgende stod den på et oplæg af Simon, eller et oplæg af Simon på storskærm med nutids Simon på sidelinjen med bonus informationer og opfølgende kommentarer. Her blev vi introduceret til, hvornår, hvorfor og hvordan fugle fælder deres fjerdragt eller dele af den.

Inden aftensmaden var vi ude på en lille tur I området omkring Det Grå Fyr på jagt efter Stor Tornskade, som jeg tidligere på dagen havde set fouragende over heden. Alice havde endnu ikke set Stor Tornskade I Danmark, men har I stedet erfaringer med Iberisk Tornskade I Spanien. Nyt kryds blev det dog til efter en tids søgning, og vi kunne gå tilfredse hjem.

Senere ankom Åse og Bent, som er de nye gæster der skal være på stationen en lille uges tid. De er meget spændte på at følge med I livet på fuglestationen, og dyrelivet der omgiver Grenen. Bent er endda så ivrig efter fugle, at han vil slå os I en omgang ‘hvem kan stå tidligst op?’. De ser frem til en hyggelig uge og godt samvær.

Hanelie arbejder stadig på sin nocturnal migration opgave, og hun er begyndt at indtaste de analyseret lyde ind I en database. Hun ser meget frem til at være færdig. Færdig ligesom dette blogoplæg.

Tak for I dag.

Dagens ringmærket fugle:

Rødhals 1

Solsort 2

Gransanger 9

Fuglekonge 4

Blåmejse 3

Musvit 4

Total: 23

Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen

Sum of the Raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day

Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Robbe Cool, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Erik Christophersen, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger, Gustav Nyberg, Bent and Åse.

A day full of surprises

lørdag 26. marts 2022
af Robbe Cool

I start this blog where it ended yesterday. Hanelie, Gustav and Simon went to Frederikshaven for nightcatching but unfortunately they did not catch anything. In the meantime Alice was finally doing her long-standing task: the picture archive and I fixed a hanger for the waders. To have a good rest, I went on ‘holidays’ in the apartment next door.

It soon became morning again. Hanelie, Marion and Alice went to Kabeltrommeln by the time I woke up. Gustav and I went to World’s end 3 for another morning of observations. The land migration was very slow again but in no time, we were surprised by the first highlight of the day: a glaucous gull “Gråmåge”. This was a new species for Gustav and made him very happy. In no time, we had our next moment of joy. A female merlin “Dværgfalk” was sitting on the beach and every now and then, she tried to catch some of the local birds. Unfortunately, that did not work out for her.


(merlin female)

In the meantime, Erik came to the tip and tried to score a shag. His patience did not pay off but he got an equally good consolation prize: an Icelandic gull “Hvidvinget måge” foraging just in front of him.


(icelandic gull and hooded crow by Erik Christophersen)

When we saw the Icelandic gull, I was still recovering from the last minutes. I did the most unforgettable sighting since my stay so far. When scanning the sea, I suddenly saw 6-8 sea mammals with big fins. I first thought I saw dolphins but I was not totally sure. I made a drawing and announced it on Zello in the hope Erik could see them too. The modern technology did not work out for us and unfortunately, he could not find them. When he came back, he looked at my drawings and he told me I definitely saw killer whales “Spækhugger”! One of my Skagen dreams came true! While I am writing this, I am still getting goosebumps when thinking about this morning.

The morning observations ended with some woodlarks “Hedelærke” migrating out. Together with the gulls, the woodlarks contributed to the 3 new species Gustav saw. Tired but satisfied we both went back to Grenen.

At Kabeltrommeln, the morning started busy with a big flock of tits in the nets. Alice was happy to see them and she used this opportunity to improve her extracting skills. The continuation of the morning was quiet. The most exciting catches were the male brambling “Kvækerfinke” and female blackcap “munk”, which were both the first for the ringing season. Alice came back earlier to work on her online courses about tracking, but Marion and Hanelie stayed at Kabeltrommeln to perfect the ringing area by cutting the branches around the nets.


Today’s ringed birds:

Goldcrest “Fuglekonge”: 1

Chifchaff “Gransanger”: 1

Dunlin “Jernspurv”: 1

Robin “Rødhals”: 1

Wren "Gærdesmutte": 1

Blue tit “Blåmejse”: 6

Brambling “Kvækerfinke”: 1

Blackcap “munk”: 1

Great tit “Musvit”: 7

Blackbird “solsort”: 1

At noon, everyone was busy with different task but those tasks came to an end when the first osprey “Fiskeørn” was announced on Zello. We ran outside and I found him immediately in my scope. We were all pleasured by this amazing creature.

(Osprey by Erik Christophersen)

Hanelie continued her afternoon with working on the nocmig and she almost finished it except for some mysterycalls. Simon had a meeting with two other observatories. Marion was continuing working on her assignments and Alice drew some nice eagles as preparation for the bonelli’s eagle we hope to see one of the next days. Gustav profited from his time he is spending in Skagen and went for a cycling tour. He found a firecrest “rødtoppede fuglekonge” between the goldcrests “fuglekonge”. When Alice was finished, we went for a walk at Bufogedskoven in the hope of finding a rarity. We really enjoyed walking in the forest as tall trees are quite rare in this neighbourhood. We found some treecreepers ss. familiaris “nordlig treelober” and learned to recognize some new bird calls. In our way back we did groceries. Back at the station, we were stunned by the see that suddenly turned purple by sunset. We enjoyed our last minutes outside and surprisingly found a northern wheatear “Stenpikker” on the rocks between the rock pipits “Skærpiber”. This is only the second record for Denmark this year and the first for Skagen.



Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area

Sum of the Raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day

Unfortunately, we could not stay longer because the evening meeting was about the begin. Among other things, we talked about doing a boat tour for sea mammals and birds, but could not find anyone with a boat. Hereby a warm call for those who can arrange a pelagic for us.

When we were done, I started cooking a nice pasta with mushrooms, leek, walnuts and thyme. Hanelie was too tired to eat and went to bet earlier than usual. We all hope, she will get a good night’s rest. Now I am in the sofa, finishing the blog and looking back to a wonderful day. Sometimes, I still cannot believe what a fantastic experience I am having here. Thanks to the beautiful birds and great volunteers (and Simon!) to make this already so memorable.


I hope you all had a lovely day too!


People: Simon S. Christiansen, Robbe Cool, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Erik Christophersen, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger and Gustav Nyberg.

A slow day after a fun evening.

fredag 25. marts 2022
af Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger

Good evening everyone,

Today we will start this blog by mentioning last night’s evening. As you already know, it was Robbe’s 24th birthday so we had planned to celebrate it after the activities of the day were done. We started with a nice dinner in town at Café Knuth’s together with Simon. The food was really nice, and we enjoyed also spending some time altogether outside of the station. After that, Simon drove us back to the station and we got ready to play Wingspan. This is a strategic board game that includes many dozens of European and American bird species. While Hanelie was explaining the rules to Alice and me, who had never played, Robbe was on the phone with his family wishing him a good birthday. Once everyone was ready, we played the game which took us quite a while, but we also had good talks, snacks, and drinks throughout and we quickly figured out that all of us are pretty competitive. In the end, Robbe won this one, but we can just pretend that was because we were nice to him on his special day. After that, we all got to try the carrot cake and ginger biscuits made by Alice and they both tasted amazing! Robbe also made a wish while blowing out his 12 candles. Let’s see if the wish is fulfilled in the coming days.

25 03 1

25 03 2

Then it was already late in the evening, especially compared to our usual rhythm, so Hanelie and I decided to head to bed. On the other hand, Alice and Robbe still had some energy, so they went to a nearby bunker and danced their heart out to music there. They came back and fell asleep closer to the time when we usually get up. Luckily for all of us, Simon kindly granted us a morning off so we could recover from that fun evening and get some sleep.

As a result, this morning we all woke up at different times but all of us enjoyed a very chill morning. We had not had the chance to take our time like this all together in the morning before, so we all appreciated it. Simon also ended up sleeping in later than usual before joining us at the station. We all still found some time to make progress on different personal tasks we had such as nocturnal flight calls recordings for Hanelie or online courses and university work for the others. Then, at around noon, Gustav who is staying here for a long weekend arrived. He has been a volunteer for the station before so for those of you who have been reading the blog for a while you probably have read some written by him.

25 03 3

Spectrogram of a night flight call of a Common Moorhen (Grønbenet rørhøne)

After we all had lunch, Gustav went out on a bike tour hoping to see some rare birds and enjoy the surroundings. He managed to see a Hen Harrier (Blå Kærhøg) alongside other bird species. Meanwhile, the rest of us stayed at the flat and kept working on our different tasks or resting. We also enjoyed another yummy piece of cake with tea in the afternoon and felt very British while doing it. Robbe also went to do some groceries and Hanelie got started on the dinner early on. By the lighthouse, some people also enjoyed a cold swim in the sea to celebrate the current Winter Bathing Festival lasting until Sunday.

Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area

We also got some information back for a colour-ringed Bewick’s Swan (Pibesvane) seen by Finn Laugo that Simon entered online. This individual was ringed in its breeding ground in Ninitskya, Russia, on the 16th of August 2017. The ring was then read in Schleswig-Hollstein, Germany, and now seen near Skagen this year. We also learnt that a European Robin (Rødhals) ringed here in 2017 was found dead in France.

25 03 4

(Bewick Swan)

Tonight, Hanelie and Gustav are going night catching with Simon in Frederikshavn. In tomorrow’s blog, you will therefore get to hear if they got any exciting captures but also about the morning observations and ringing.

Sum of the Raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day

Good night,


People: Simon S. Christiansen, Robbe Cool, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger and Gustav Nyberg.

Two Birthday Birds for Robbe

torsdag 24. marts 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu
Hello dear blog readers! 
Welcome to the first birthday blog of the station this year! Our birthday boy is Robbe, who turns 24 today. Marion and I went to Kabeltrommeln in the morning to open the nets. When we got to the ringing table, I asked Simon in wonder what was doing the little wooden Danish flag on the table, but it was of course because it's Robbe's birthday, the other day we all had a nice chat with Simon who taught us about Danish birthday customs. So Robbe is certainly quite happy not to turn twenty-five unmarried as he is, and to be thrown cinnamon while being in underwear. Although we as foreigners did not want to take that so seriously with the age, since I have seen no masses of cinnamon at the station, Robbe has probably been lucky again, although the day is not yet over, maybe still enough cinnamon can be found. For the first round also Robbe and Alice came to Kabeltrommeln. Today was not so busy in the nets, but there was a birthday bird for Robbe, at least here a rarity: A Treecreeper ss. familiaris "Nordlig Treelober".
Treecreeper ss. familiaris "Nordlig Treelober"
Of course, it was Robbe who ringed his birthday bird.
Also we were happy about the first Bullfinch "Dompap", a female, in the net.
Bullfinch "Dompap"
Marion and I drove to the station after closing the nets, we had an early lunch and then entered the ringing data.
Today´s ringed birds:
Chiffchaff "Gransanger": 3
Treecreeper ss. familiaris "Nordlig Treelober": 1
Goldcrest "Fuglekonge": 1
Wren "Gærdesmutte": 2
Robin "Rødhals": 2
European Bullfinch "europaea" "Lille Dompap": 1
Chaffinch "Bogfinke" : !
Blackbird " Solsort" : 2
Total: 13 
I then sat down at Nocmig, Marion rested a bit. Robbe and Alice meanwhile went to Thomas at Grenen after the ringing. He was already waiting for them with the laser binoculars and since it was sunny and no longer foggy, they had a much better day than Robbe, Thomas, and I yesterday. And there was another surprise for Robbe, the earliest Barn Swallow "Landsvale" in Skagen, the last record to turn up at Skagen was the 26. March in 2010. Today they were able to "shoot" many Raptors with the Laser Binoculars: Buzzards "Musvåge", Red Kites "Rød Glente", Sparrow Hawks "Survehøg", and tree White-tailed Eagles "Havørn". Of course, there is birthday cake, it just came out of the oven, Alice baked us a carrot cake! And also she is making Ginger cookies, it smells delicious at the station! To celebrate, we're having dinner in town today, then there's a game night planned with Wingspan. So we have a long and promising evening ahead of us.
See you again tomorrow, take care!
People:  Simon S. Christiansen, Robbe Cool, Thomas Kjær, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger

Shooting raptors !

onsdag 23. marts 2022
af Alice Scalzo
Once again I woke up very early this morning so that I could open the nets accompanied by Marion. All nets were opened by 6:30. This time the whole crew was here, so we all enjoyed being together for this second day of ringing. Unfortunately, it was very foggy and we had few birds in the nets, only 15 in the whole morning, but at the same time it was very good as we had time to get many explications from Simon. We had quite a few Robins (Rødhals), and Blue tits (Blåmejse).
For Robbe, it was his first ringing session ! So he was very excited about it and the very first bird he ringed was a Reed bunting (Rørspurv).
After a few hours we decided to close the nets, I went with Marion to tense a few nets, we also found ourselves nice sticks to open and close the nets, and observed a few trichoptera's larvaes in the water.
Robbe and Hanelie cleared the few branches that were in the way of the nets.
When our job was done, Marion and I went back to the station to eat and enter the ringing data, meanwhile, Robbe and Hanelie went out with Thomas to shoot birds. Not literally of course ! We have a new pair of binoculars that give us the dimensional position of the birds thanks to a laser.
The protocol is to shoot the same bird every ten seconds during migration so we have a idea of their flight pattern. They stayed there around two hours, but the task was difficult as there was still a lot of fog.
They saw many raptors : Buzzards (Musvåge), Red kites (Rød Glente), Sparrowhawks (Spurvehøg), and a Marsh harrier (Rørhøg).
In the afternoon, Hanelie continued her analysis of the nocturnal migration calls, she got a few Black birds (Solsort) on the record.
Robbe went in town and also finally took his laundry out of the dryer !
And Marion and I went to Skagen to get groceries for the week but also for Robbe's birthday which is tomorrow !
Simon worked on the next newsletter on which you get to see the expected birds, and the activities available.
Also today a Garganey (Atlingand) was spotted near Skagen.
Tonight I will be cooking some quesadillas !
Have a nice evening,
Ringing (Kabeltrommelkrattet):
Eurasian wren (Gærdesmutte) – 1
Dunnock (Jernspurv) – 1
European Robin (Rødhals) – 5
Common Chiffchaff (Gransanger) – 1
Goldcrest (Fuglekonge) – 2
Blue tit (Blåmejse) – 3
Great tit (Musvit) – 1
Reed bunting (Rørspurv) – 1
Total: 15
People:  Simon S. Christiansen, Robbe Cool, Thomas Kjær, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger.

The beginning of the ringing season at Kabeltrommelkrattet.

tirsdag 22. marts 2022
af Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger

Good evening bird enthusiasts,

After a cosy evening at the café, we all got up bright and early today. Hanelie and Alice especially as they had to go open the mist nets as the ringing season has officially started! Nevertheless, morning observations are also still on the planning, so Robbe and I also got up before sunrise to go to Nordstrand. The migration was rather slow today both over land and sea apart from the first hour of the day. We still had a nice time and, contrarily to the birds, we appreciated the little amount of wind and the sun keeping us relatively warm. As they weren’t that many birds, we had the time to both check out big flocks coming by such as some Eurasian Teal (Krikand) or even a more unusual flock of 18 Common Snipe (Dobbeltbekkasin). At around 9 am, we also spotted a very small bird following two Common Guillemot (Lomvie). After taking a good look at it and checking our bird guide to make sure, we concluded it was either a Little Auk (Søkonge) or an Atlantic Puffin (Lunde) which is very exciting! Unfortunately, it was too far to be able to distinguish between the two or be fully certain of the identification. Due to the slow day, we stopped the migration count an hour early and decided to go have a look at the cormorant lake to see if we would have more luck with resting birds. We had also heard a Eurasian Bittern (Rørdrum) multiple times in the previous hours and we were hoping to catch a sight of it. This did not happen today, but we will stay persistent. On the lake, many cormorants were resting, including some on the nests but it is still uncertain if they will breed there this year. We also saw Goldcrests (Fuglekonge), Reed Buntings (Rørspurv) and Eurasian Wrens (Gærdesmutte) resting.

22 03 2

In the meantime, Hanelie and Alice had already opened all the nests, 19 in total. During the first round, they caught quite a lot of birds including Common Blackbirds (Solsort), Goldcrests (Fuglekonge), Dunnock (Jernspurv) and one Reed Bunting (Rørspurv). Simon joined them and rang most of the birds to begin with in order to demonstrate and detail how every step is done. They also saw a Eurasian Woodcock (Skovsneppe), Eurasian Sparrowhawks (Spurvehøg) and Common Buzzards (Musvåge) while touring Kabeltrommelkrattet. The second round was also rather successful, and after that, each round got a bit quieter. But this gave Hanelie and Alice the chance to ring as well and discuss with other passing-by birders. Overall, this was an exciting first ringing day, especially for Hanelie who had been trying at the station’s garden for a while but usually only got 2 or 3 in one morning. Simon also had the first sighting of a European Serin for this season! Now the goal for the next few days is to get more habituated to Kabeltrommelkrattet as they realised today you can easily get a bit lost and hopefully catch other species as well.

22 03 1

Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area

Sum of the Raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day

In the afternoon, we were all busy with a big clean-up of the flat and parts of the station. Simon also used this free afternoon to clean his place as well as his car. Therefore, we have now removed a couple of pounds of sand which seems to appear everywhere even though we take precautions to limit it. We also got the chance to enjoy a nice dessert made by Robbe which was mainly a mascarpone cream with red berries. It was very tasty and was appreciated by everyone as snacks seem to be something we all agree is important.

Tomorrow, Alice, and I will open the nets but as it is forecasted that it will be a foggy morning, the others will also join us later. If the weather clears up a bit, Hanelie and Robbe will have the chance to accompany Thomas Kjær to test out the laser binoculars, which will be at the centre of the radar project. For now, it is time for us to go to bed but see you tomorrow for another blog promising many updates.


Ringing (Kabeltrommelkrattet):

Gærdesmutte – 8

Jernspurv – 3

Rødhals – 10

Solsort – 5

Gransanger – 5

Fuglekonge – 13

Sortmejse – 1

Blåmejse – 1

Musvit – 1

Bogfinke – 1

Rørspurv – 1

Total: 49


Good night everyone,


People: People: Simon S. Christiansen, Robbe Cool, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger

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