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Lesser Redpoll with Norwegian Ring and net setup
Justine and Angela opened this morning but closed around 12:00. We got a Redpoll (Lille Gråsisken) with a Norwegian ring. Robbie was observing at World’s End 1 and saw a Black Guillemot (tejst) and a Little Auk (søkonge). There also was a Great Northern Diver (islom) roosting in the water. I stayed at the station to finish the spring recruitment video for next year. In the evening, Robbie, Justine and I put up nets in the reeds between WE2 and WE3 for catching Water pippits tomorrow. Today Georges, Angelas boyfriend, arrived in the afternoon and is gonna stay here for a little over a week. Lisa ringed at Minervavej. Lars took a swim in the local pool and bought some more sweets for all of us :) Lone and Lars were both at the ringing today and Lone spotted a Red-necked grebe. They shopped a bit and had a late lunch/early dinner.
Ringmærkning - Kabeltromlen
Blåmejse 4
Bogfinke 4
Lille Dompap 7
Dompap 1
Fuglekonge 3
Gærdesmutte 2
Grønirisk 2
Jernspurv 1
Kvækerfinke 3
Munk 1
Rødhals 4
Sangdrossel 1
Sjagger 1
Skægmejse 2
Vindrossel 1
Total 37
Ringmærkning - Minervavej
Rødhals - 1
Gærdesmutte - 1
Kvækerfinke - 2
Skovspurv - 2
Musvit - 3
Total - 9
Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Georges Dieres Monplaisir, Rolf Christensen, Alex Sand Frick, Lone og Lars.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen
Green like a siskin and goodbye Augustin
What to expect from a good windless day? When this morning Justine and I went opening the nets we could feel the excitement in the air and we were right. Today, after what seemed a long time, 81 birds came visiting us in the nets. The biggest surprise I would say was the 43 siskins (grønsisken), which we found in two consecutive rounds with their bright green and yellow shining over the reeds. But they had two good rivals: the starlings (Stær)! Needless to say, this was definitely a great morning for us! We could also see that the swallows are still around, which is extremely late in the season, but Simon also spotted a Hen harrier (Blå kærhøg), a Rough-legged buzzard (Fjeldvåge) and a Black redstart (Husrødstjert) which was around the lighthouse this afternoon.
Rosalina and Knud, on the other hand, didn’t have the same experience. The low winds didn’t make it an ideal day for birds to migrate, so they checked and noted down the coloured rings on the gulls, which were pretty abundant today on the beach (they counted 1500). After two hours, though, they decided to take a walk in the wetland, where they saw two Jack snipes (Enkeltbekassin). Then they passed by to say hello to us at the ringing and Rosalina afterwards went back home and continued working on the promotional video for the recruitment of next year´s volunteers.. stay tuned and spread the word!!
In the afternoon Robbie and Simon walked to Grenen lake with the aim of making some space to set up some nets to catch water pipits (Bjerpiber).. fingers crossed for the next days.
Tonight will also be our last night with Augustin. We will share a meal with him and his friends and say goodbye to a wonderful person that taught us so much and to whom we wish to fly higher and higher. Ciao Augustin!! See you soon, somewhere, somehow.
Ringmærkning - Kabeltromlen
Blåmejse 4
Bogfinke 2
Dompap 2
Fuglekonge 6
Gærdesmutte 3
Gråsisken 5
Grønsisken 43
Kvækerfinke 3
Munk 4
Musvit 1
Rødhals 2
Sangdrossel 1
Skægmejse 3
Stær 2
Total 81
Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Knud Pedersen, Lone og Lars.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen
Late Shows and Missing Altogether
Rosa and Angela joined Knud at Nordstrand for observations with an unseasonably late Ringed plover being the highlight. There were no Snow buntings for the whoosh net to catch today, but the team was treated to a view of a Harbour porpoise (Marsvin).
Today myself, Justine, and Lone went on a walk to see if we could locate any dead Fulmars (Mallemuk) for Aarhus University study, starting at Tversted Strand and ending at Kandestederne, unfortunately, we didn’t find any today. Without any Fulmars to find we were focused on the birds, including a Great grey shrike (Stor tornskade) hunting a passerine just overhead. There were also many dead passerines that appear to have probably been caught out by the recent strong Southernly winds. On the way back to the observatory we visited Råbjerg Mile.
Last night Angela and I caught the 3rd Jack snipe (Enkeltbekkasin) of the season. After last night's success the team back out night catching tonight at Hirtshals.
Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Knud Pedersen, Lone og Lars.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen
Another Jack Snipe tonight!
Rosalina went observing at Nordstrand this morning with Knud and Lars, and Angela and I joined them for the last hours. Knud was our teacher this morning and trained us to identify Razorbills (Alk) and Guillemots (Lomvie). Thank you for your time! I also saw my first Purple Sandpiper (Sortgrå Ryle) which was really nice!
This afternoon, Robbie set up the trap, trying to catch other Rock Pipits (Skærpiber). It didn't succeed unfortunately but we will try again!
Rosalina is now working on the recruitment video for the next volunteers. I can't wait to see the result.
Robbie, Angela and Lone had a surprise for us at the end of the day: they caught another Jack Snipe! Angela was happy to ring it!
Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Lisa Vergin, Knud Pedersen, Lone og Lars.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen
Snespurv, skærpiber og BBQ
I dag fangede vi ENDELIG en snespurv med whooshnettet! Robbie og Justine observerede på Grenen i morges og lige efter Anders, Simon og jeg færdiggjorde ugens ”Fugle for Alle”-video, så lykkedes det endelig at fange snespurven. Videoen i dag handlede om at tælle fugle i luften, og vi demonstrerede med perler hvordan man nemmere kan tælle store mængder ”prikker” på kort tid.
Angela, Lisa, Augustin og Augustins venner fra Tyskland ringmærkede i dag og de var rigtig glade for at se snespurven.
I eftermiddags satte Robbie klapfælden op på stranden, og så fangede vi simpelthen også TO skærpiber! Det var vi også enormt glade for, og det er endda første gang vi har fanget dem på Skagen Fuglestation.
Justine, Anders og jeg tog ud for at handle ind til den planlagte BBQ som vi holdt i forbindelse med Augustins sidste dag på stationen. Han bor ikke længere på stationen men sammen med vennerne inde i Skagen. De tager afsted på torsdag og vi kommer virkelig til at savne Augustin!
Lone og Lars var i Hjørring og besøge Lars’ fætter, og Lone var med til observation i morges.
Om aftenen satte Anders og jeg grillen op og vi spiste middag med Rie, Knud, Erik, og resten af staben på fuglestationen.
Bjergpiber. Foto: Erik Christophersen
Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen)
Blåmejse 3
Dompap 6
Gærdesmutte 4
Kvækerfinke 2
Munk 3
Musvit 1
Sangdrossel 1
Skægmejse 4
Vindrossel 6
Ringmærkning (Grenen - Verdens Ende 3)
Snespurv 1
Ringmærkning (Fyrhaven)
Skærpiber 2
Ringmærkning (Jennes Sø)
Gærdesmutte 1
Rødhals 1
Fuglekonge 3
Musvit 1
Lille Gråsisken 12
Total – 51
Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Lisa Vergin, Anders Brinkmann, Justine Costa, Knud Pedersen, Erik Christophersen. Lone og Lars, Leon Rolf, Rebecca Westermeier, Jana Sauer, Michael Ancher.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen
Den varme søndenvind holder stand
Robbie og undertegnede satte net op til morgen. Det blev endnu en rolig dag med knap tredive mærkede fugle. Der raster mange Skægmejser på Grenen for tiden, så det var ikke overraskende at hele 7 Skægmejser gik i nettene i dag. Herudover var en Grønsisken og en smællerfed Solsort-han på hele 115 gram blandt dagens highlights. Simon testede live-video, men havde ikke megen succes med at få billedet til at vende rigtigt. Lad os håbe teknikken virker i morgen, når vi igen går LIVE!
Justine og Augustin passede dagens træktælling på Verdens Ende 3 i selskab med Knud og Torben. Her var der heller ikke meget gang i den, men det blev da til 1 Tejst, 2 Storkjover, 3 Kaspiske Måger og 1 adult Sildemåge. Herudover havde flere dages søndenvind og varme presset 8 Landsvaler og 2 Bysvaler hele vejen ud på Grenens spids. Her gjorde de selskab med 18 publikumsvenlige Spættede Sæler. Justine forsøgte sig i øvrigt med fangst af Snespurve ved hjælp af wush-net. Det blev dog heller ikke i dag, at det skulle lykkes.
Efter endt ringmærkning overtog undertegnede træktællingstjansen på Verdens Ende 3. Efter en formiddag med sydvestlige vinde, var vinden så småt drejet over i det sydøstlige hjørne, hvilket betød et udtræk af Rider fra Kattegat. De næste to timer talte jeg 284 Rider, hvoraf flere kom helt inde over land. Senere på dagen kunne yderligere 264 Rider tilføjes listen ved en times tælling ved det grå fyr.
Ung Ride. Foto: Anders Brinkmann
Vores to gæster Lone og Lars var først med i ringmærkningen. Herefter var de forbi Verdens Ende 3, hvor Knud kunne fremvise en af de Kaspiske Måger. Lars tog en tur i svømmeren, mens Lone var forbi Jennes Sø. Endelig var de en tur i toppen af det grå fyr med god vind i håret.
Eftermiddagen stod på den helt store rengøring efterfulgt af yderligere praktiske gøremål. Simon havde virtuelt møde med de to andre fuglestationer samt DOF’s direktør, Sigrid. Justine og Angela bagte en piv-uhyggelig græskarkage, mens Robbie arbejdede på at forstå Skærpiberens adfærdspsykologi i sit forsøg på at fange og ringmærke dem. I morgen kæmper han videre ud fra strategien ‘be one with the rock’.
Augustin har fået besøg af tre venner fra Tyskland, som har været så søde at diske op med dagens aftensmad. Det ser vi frem til!
Ringmærkning - Kabeltromlen
Blåmejse 11
Bogfinke 2
Dompap 1
Lille Dompap 3
Gærdesmutte 1
Lille Gråsisken 1
Skægmejse 7
Grønsisken 1
Solsort 2
Total - 29
Ringmærkning - Jennes Sø
Gærdesmutte - 6
Rødhals - 1
Munk - 1
Nordlig Træløber - 2
Lille Gråsisken - 28
Total - 38
Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Anders Brinkmann, Justine Costa, Lone og Lars.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen
Bearded tits continue
The ringing was a little slow but we continued to have a few Bearded tits (skægmejse), Simon believes this to be the best season for bearded tits in the nets, which is encouraging news for this stunning species. Whilst out at ringing the team also saw some overflying Golden Plovers and Woodlark.
Michael had a good day at Jennes Sø, especially with many Lesser Redpolls and a rare recapture of a Wren (Gærdesmutte) with Norwegian ring!
Skægmejse han og hun. Foto: Anders Brinkmann
Skægmejse han. Foto: Anders Brinkmann
I was out observing today, the numbers were quite low for most species but we continue to have some Barn Swallows and a singular Sand Martin roasting in the area. We also saw 2 jacksnipes and 3 waterpipits on the way back from observations.
Anders has arrived from Aalborg today for the weekend, we hope he gets to see some rarities whilst he is he.
Kvækerfinke han. Foto: Anders Brinkmann
Dinner tonight out with Simon paying, I look forward to seeing his face when the bill arrives.
Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen)
Blåmejse 1
Dompap 4
Gærdesmutte 4
Gråsisken 1
Kvækerfinke 1
Munk 2
Sangdrossel 1
Skægmejse 3
Sortmejse 5
Ringmærkning (Jennes Sø)
Gærdesmutte 8
Solsort 3
Fuglekonge 2
Topmejse 1
Blåmejse 2
Musvit 4
Stor Gråsisken 3
Lille Gråsisken 38
Grand Total 83
Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Anders Brinkmann, Justine Costa, Rolf Christensen, Michael Ancher, Lone og Lars.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen
Lost or last Swallows ?
Robbie went observing this morning with Knud. The highlights of the day were a Sand Martin (Digesvale) and some Barn Swallows (Landsvale) resting at the tip, one Great Northern Diver (Islom) and a Little Gull (Dværgmåge).
Augustin, Angela and I came for the last two hours of observations to set up the whoosh net and try to catch Snow Buntings (Snespurv) while Rosalina was fixing some nets. Few Snow Buntings were on the beach but we didn't catch any. I hope next time will be successful!
After lunch, we did daily office work like data entry, checking data... Augustin and I also looked at the night recording: we found many Redwings (Vindrossel) migrating during the night and other birds that we still need to identify.
Folk på stationen: Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Knud Pedersen, Loni og Lars.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen
Slow and rainy day
Today i went out to do the migration countings in the morning but the weather conditions were quite bad so i went back home after three hours. The highlights were four Barn Swallows (Landsvale) and a Great Skua (Storkjove). At that time the others checked some data and fixed nets at the station.
In the afternoon Justine and Angela went to Skagen for a bit of grocery shopping and we set up the trap to catch some Rock Pipits (Skærpiber), unfortunately without success. Our guests for the next two weeks went to town and took a walk to Grenen today.
Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Rolf Christensen, Loni og Lars.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen
Long-tailed duck and the last Willow warbler
Today I went to open nets with Justine in the morning before sunrise and Augustin, Simon, Oluf and Gustav joined for the first round. Compared to the other days, we got a fair amount of birds, mostly Bearded tits (Skægmejse) and Blackcap (Munk), but the highlight of today was definitely the Willow warbler (Løvsanger), which is very late in the season.. most probably the last one. But the day actually started last night when we caught a Long-tailed duck (Havlit) at Hirtshals øststrand, a female first calendar year which was the first for the station!
Robbie went observing with Knud and they saw a Woodcock (Skovsneppe), which was the second one by the team, on its way to migration. They also observed the highest number (76) of Snow buntings (Snespurv), a Peregrine falcon (Vandrefalk), as well as the first Water pipit of the season (Bjergpiber) which was very nice, and a Little gull (Dværgmåge). A Yellow-billed loon (Hvidnæbbet Lom) was also spotted today at World´s End 1. Today´s numbers were overall low but it was interesting to see the winter residents continue to arrive.
In the afternoon Augustin and I went for the Fulmar (Mallemuk) survey from Gamle Skagen and back to the lighthouse. Although we found many dead birds on the beach, none of them was a Fulmar but we will definitely keep performing the survey few more times until the end of the season. It was interesting to see that we keep finding several birds of the Alkid family, which strenghtens our belief that starvation is not over and that there is an urgent need to further investigate the causes of death in an internationally-joined effort.
Ringmærkning – Kabeltromlen
Blåmejse 5
Dompap 6
Dompap 2
Fuglekonge 1
Gærdesmutte 3
Grønsisken 1
Kvækerfinke 1
Løvsanger 1
Munk 11
Rødhals 1
Rørspurv 1
Skægmejse 9
Sortmejse 1
Grand Total 43
Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, og Gustav Nyberg, Oluf.
Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen